Transitionary - 3

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Woo, another chapter! I was honestly unsure if this chapter would come out on time, but gladly, here it is!

Sorry if this feels rather slow or unfulfilling, but I like the plot details sewn through this chapter's major bits. I don't believe there will be a chapter for the next two weeks from here, because my schedule is pretty unforgiving for this month. 

For this chapter's question: How do you feel about this story? Is it going too slow, is it going too quickly? Is it predictable, is it random?

I'm running out of questions at this rate, but I figured that'll be a decent one.

Oooh, and the picture up top is what Ranni's original body (and thus, her spirit) looks like. Not officially, but I like how that looks, so there you go!

Regardless of that, I hope you enjoy the chapter!


Within the vast universe, (Y/n) stared out into the infinite night. He was entirely caught off-guard by the Moon's request, but he managed to recollect himself with an intensity that he normally kept relegated to battles.

He didn't answer her immediately, holding onto the Serpent-Hunter and making sure he was still grounded. Despite being physically on the moon, some realistic thinking convinced him that he probably was under a very, very intense illusion, rather than being in space.

When extending his senses, he found that they simply didn't exist. His supernatural sight, hearing, and overall abilities had simply vanished, but he felt no weaker than before.

(Y/n) took a slow breath, nodding gently to himself. "This place isn't real, is it? It's not just a simple illusion you've place over the lake either."

The Moon looked away from (Y/n), her supernova eyes relaxing. "I see. If I am to receive an answer, I must provide one first?"

(Y/n) shrugged. 'If she's the Outer God who chose Ranni, Rennala, and Sellen, she probably can't just force information out of me. Compared to the Darkness who just chose me, she's probably being spread pretty thin. Maybe it's inhumane, but I'm using this chance to get all the information I can.'

"You gain something, I gain something. Seems fair to me."

The Moon let out a short breath, seeming somewhat pleased by (Y/n)'s choice. "Darkness chose well. I expected a fool, though I suppose Sellen and Ranni wouldn't side with fools. Very well. Let us trade three questions and three answers. The truth is weighed on our very essences."

She extended a hand, and (Y/n) took it, feeling an intensely restraining feeling deep within his body. The culprit was the woman's final words, but (Y/n) didn't know how or why.

The Moon smiled. "As a kindness, that feeling is an Essence Oath. If we lie under our terms of agreement, our essence will be the price. I expect that you have an idea what that means."

(Y/n) vividly remembered how the Darkness sacrificed himself for (Y/n) to receive another chance at life. There was no afterlife or retry, it was far different than even a typical death in that way. It was total annihilation to a degree that he couldn't fathom. His face paled.

At his expression, the Moon sighed. "It's not so bad. Being trapped in a higher realm for an eternity was much worse."

The Moon waved a hand, and began walking upwards, as if on invisible stairs. She walked up until she was several feet away from (Y/n), gesturing out into the abyss of space. "Like you've surmised, this place is not physically real, nor is it a simple illusion. This place is simply your mind."

[Shadow Sovereign's Second Try!] Elden Ring x Male ReaderΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα