Roundtable Hold - 2

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Compared to every other chapter, this one isn't super long, but I'm happy to post it, nonetheless.

Despite me asking for some questions, I received only a question for me! It was nice, but it wasn't exactly what I was asking for. Alas, I'll figure out more questions.

For this chapter, I'll be a bit more specific, for those of you who like the Black Knife Assassin so much, why? I'm just a bit confused seeing as how I've written... like 3 sentences talking about her.

Regardless of that, enjoy the chapter!


Gathering up his courage, (Y/n) strolled into the room where Fia would be.

Fia was a Deathbed Companion and ally of (Y/n)'s. She'd even be connected to the Prince of Death, Godwyn, if (Y/n) helped her pursue her goals. And now, as the Shadow Sovereign so intricately connected with Destined Death, he thought she'd have something to say about him.

Except she wasn't there.

On her bed was Sellen, lying down and resting, her eyes closed. She was still wearing her academy robes, but her glintstone crown was sitting on the floor. Melina sat and read more of her tome, wearing her traveler's garb.

When (Y/n) entered, Melina closed her book and smiled at him gently. She could immediately sense his confusion. She shook her head despite his silence, "When we arrived, she was nowhere to be found. If this was the meddling of an Outer God, I hesitate to say why."

(Y/n) slowly nodded, glad that Melina was on the same page as him. "Huh."

Melina bowed her head lightly, "Quite odd. Perhaps the changes to this world are more than we anticipated?" Despite her normal confidence, Melina was stumped on why Fia wouldn't be at the Roundtable Hold just as much as (Y/n).

He shook the thoughts aside, not particularly worried about Fia's safety. In the past, Fia was an ally, if a distant one. And something silent within him guaranteed Fia's health. It was far from logical, but it brought him confidence, nonetheless.

With a nod, he easily set the thoughts aside. (Y/n) approached and glanced at Sellen's sleeping face. "How is she?"

To his utter surprise, without opening her eyes, Sellen responded. "Awfully. I managed to forget how constricting a physical body was until now. I question why I missed it so much."

(Y/n) blinked, looking at Melina. She said, "She's fine. She'll be here longer than expected, but she'll live."

"Of course, I will. I wasn't one of Raya Lucaria's best to fall to something as simple as a weakened body." She looked at (Y/n) tiredly, revealing her icy-blue eyes. "Did you succeed, my apprentice?"

(Y/n) smirked, thumbing behind him. His shadow bubbled like a liquid as Sellen followed his thumb to see Godrick standing behind him, and her tired eyes widened. "Ah. How splendid." Godrick fell back into the Shadows as (Y/n) gave his mentor a thumbs-up. She closed her eyes again, laying her head back. "Melina, watch him carefully. He is a fool. He did just kiss a woman who adores him."

(Y/n) opened his mouth, but nothing came out despite his desires. He met Melina's eyes, immediately seeing past her nonchalance into a realm of determination. Before he could speak, she said, "So far, you have three." Without any emphasis, she pointed to herself, Sellen, and loosely towards Roderika. "Is there anyone else?"

There was a brief silence, (Y/n)'s mind flickering through the Lands Between. And then his mind caught onto one specific woman, he slowly nodded. "Yeah... I... well, maybe thinking about it romantically is wrong. I just want to help her as best I can."

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