Starscourge Radahn, the God of Gravity

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Yo, my friends! I haven't been writing much for the last few weeks, so it's good that I'm ahead a little bit, so I can provide you all with this chapter! 

Because I like my chapters thick and satisfying, y'all get to experience the entire Radahn fight! It wasn't updated as quickly as I wanted it to be, but it's still a Saturday for me, so it's still in my general upload time!

For a question, I've got something a little different. I'll ask it here, just to put the thought in your mind. Feel free to reply throughout the chapter!

For the actual question: What do you think of some of the abilities used in this chapter? Are they cool, are they too much, however you feel!

Now, regardless of all that mumbo-jumbo, I hope you enjoy the chapter!

I have a feeling some of you will end up liking Therolina.


In the main plaza of Redmane Castle, there were several Tarnished strewn about. They spoke with one another respectfully, and they were all united under one goal, if only for a little bit. A royal dirge, sung by the nearby Redmane Soldiers who could keep their sanity, flowed out over the entire castle, creating an impenetrable feeling of comradery and strength.

(Y/n) found a few familiar faces around, including Blaidd and, surprisingly, Patches. Of course, several of the other faces around had never seen (Y/n). He lingered near the walls, feeling some eyes glancing over him. With his enhanced senses, he could easily listen in to the nearby conversations.

Patches was speaking with a kind-looking Finger Maiden named Therolina, lightly gesturing towards (Y/n). "Watch out for that bloke, eh? He's not the type to mess with."

Therolina tilted her head, leaning to look past Patches. (Y/n) kept his eyes on the ground, even as he felt Therolina observing him. "He... doesn't seem all that bad. Surely you aren't mistaken?"

Patches scoffed, "Bah, that's what I thought too, until I caught him red-handed, literally! His blade was covered from tip to handle in the blood of a —"

(Y/n) let out a puffing laugh and promptly began ignoring Patches' conversation. He didn't know much about Therolina, as he'd never met her after the Festival. However, he had a feeling that she'd be quite the skeptic of Patches' commentary.

Turning his attention over to a three-way conversation between Great Horned Tragoth, Lionel the Lionhearted, and Okina, (Y/n) listened in. As it turned out, they weren't speaking about much at all, simply mentioning how excited they were to be fighting against a member of the Shattering, and arguably the strongest Demigod around.

He pushed the conversation away as he was approached by a familiar half-man, half-wolf. Blaidd gave (Y/n) a toothy grin. "Aha, so you showed. My mistress thought you would. I'll introduce you to her later, you two would get on quite well! But for now, let's give everyone a show to remember, fighting a Warrior of the Shattering, eh?"

(Y/n) gave Blaidd a similarly toothy grin, the wolvine man's enthusiasm infecting (Y/n). He could hear underneath him the excited cries of his Shadows, all really to fight against Radahn.

(Y/n) managed to keep his cool, scanning over the plaza with a slight frown. He noted who he saw, scanning one last time, only for the exact same people to be there.

"What is it?" Blaidd asked, following (Y/n)'s gaze confusedly.

(Y/n) frowned. "There's a reliable Warrior Jar who should be here. But he isn't."

Blaidd tilted his head. "'Should be here?' Has an ally of yours disappeared? Well, I arrived at the plaza first, and there's been no sign of a Warrior Jar at all."

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