Caelid - 2

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Hello, my friends! I don't have much to say, honestly!

I've been pretty busy for the last few weeks. Gladly, I wrote enough to give you all this chapter regardless of that all! I'll definitely have to start kicking everything back up to get some more chapters out soon though.

As a result of that lack of writing, this chapter is shorter than I wanted it to be, but hopefully it'll still feel satisfying!

For a question: How are you feeling about the story overall so far? Is it interesting? Does it update to much? Does it update too little?

I haven't really asked about overall feelings, so tell me!

Regardless of that all, enjoy the chapter!


"Has our path forward shifted at all?" Melina asked as Godrick and Radahn utterly massacred Agheel's distant sibling, the Flying Dragon Greyll.

Godrick's giant limbs surrounded the fierce dragon on the bridge to the Bestial Sanctum, holding it down with immense strength. Unlike before, when the limbs could be broken through physical strength, the massive, floating, grafted limbs were strong. The boost provided by the Great Rune of Fortitude completely changed the power that Godrick held.

And with a bounding roar, Radahn ran across the bridge on his own, each of his steps shaking the bridge tumultuously. Raising his Starscourge Greatswords high, gravity magic pushed down on Greyll's head, pulling his gargantuan swords down and decapitating Greyll quite easily.

That would have been all good and well, if Radahn's blow wasn't strong enough to cut through the bridge, causing it to shatter. Radahn let out a large yell before he began to fall, only for Godrick's limbs to reach down and grab his fellow Demigod by his arm.

With several other spawned limbs, the resourceful demigod managed to grab Greyll's corpse, throwing it up to land on the other side of the now-canyon. In the same swift movement, he also threw Radahn back up to the land.

Godrick blinked at Radahn from (Y/n)'s side, with now only the reckless Demigod on the other side of the canyon. Radahn looked back and scratched the side of his head sheepishly. (Y/n) chuckled before sweeping Melina off her feet, to her muted pleasure.

With a jump, (Y/n) crossed the canyon easily, somewhat surprising himself. He knew he could make the jump, but he hadn't expected it to be so casual. He'd definitely grown since he originally received his abilities.

Keeping Melina casually in his arms, held in bridal-style, (Y/n) shrugged. "I don't believe so. I'm expecting more changes in the future, with the Frenzied Bastard and most of the Outer Gods unaccounted for the time being. That's why I'm trying to bolster my forces as much as possible."

Melina nodded softly, "I see. Do we know the first of the Outer Gods we want to defeat?"

(Y/n) sat Melina down, stepping past her and raising Greyll's soul as Godrick crossed on his own massive constructs, using them as a makeshift bridge. After defeating Radahn, he split his forces up to complete several different tasks, leaving him only with Radahn, Godrick, and now Greyll — now named Grey for simplicity — by his side.

[Due to the Anchor Rune, the Shadow Dragon, Grey: Rank 6 has evolved into Rank 7.]

[Shadow Dragon]
[Rank: 7]

Allowing the three powerful Shadows to roam and destroy at their leisure, (Y/n) pursed his lips and looked back at Melina. He let out a short breath, "We know the Frenzied Flame needs to go down, and the Greater Will wants me dead, so they're our enemy as well. The Rot needs to be stopped, but I can't say what I'll do specifically."

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