Years passed, and Jungkook poured his heart and soul into becoming a Royal Knight, earning the respect and admiration of his peers. He trained tirelessly, honing his skills to protect the kingdom, all the while holding onto the hope that one day he and Jimin would be together once more.

On the day of Jimin's grand coronation, the entire kingdom rejoiced. Serendipity was adorned with colorful banners and flowers, its people filled with excitement and anticipation. Jungkook, now an official Royal Knight, stood among the spectators, his heart pounding with a mixture of pride and longing.

As the former king, Jimin's father, approached the microphone, the crowd hushed, waiting for his words to fill the air. Jungkook's gaze was fixed on Jimin, his heart yearning for their reunion, when the former king's voice resonated through the kingdom, causing a chill to run down Jungkook's spine.

"My dear citizens," the former king's voice boomed, "I am pleased to announce that Prince Jimin has found his destined partner. He is engaged to be married to the princess of a neighboring kingdom."

Jungkook's world shattered in an instant. The crowd erupted into applause and cheers, but he stood frozen, his mind struggling to comprehend the reality unfolding before him. Jimin, his beloved prince, the one who promised their love was unbreakable, had found someone else.

As the former king continued his announcement, Jimin's pleading eyes searched the crowd, searching for a glimpse of Jungkook. Their gazes locked, and for a brief moment, time stood still. The weight of regret and sorrow mirrored in Jimin's eyes, a silent plea for forgiveness.

Jungkook felt a mixture of anger, betrayal, and heartache course through his veins. He clenched his fists, the pain of their lost dreams washing over him. However, a flicker of compassion emerged, reminding him of the love they once shared.

In that moment, Jungkook made a decision. He stepped forward, his voice firm yet filled with a tinge of sorrow. "Your Highness, I congratulate you on your engagement. May you find happiness in your chosen path."

The former king's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, unsure of the familiar face standing among the crowd. But before he could question further, Jungkook turned on his heel, his resolve unwavering. He left the coronation behind, carrying with him the memories of a love that once burned bright.

Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and the kingdom continued to flourish under Jimin's rule. Yet, deep within the palace walls, a melancholic aura lingered, a reminder of the love that could have been. Jimin often found himself haunted by the image of Jungkook, his heart aching with the knowledge of the pain he had caused.

One day, as the sun cast its golden hues upon the kingdom, Jimin's steps led him to a familiar training ground. There, in the midst of swordplay and determination, stood Jungkook, now a seasoned Royal Knight.

Their eyes met, and the unspoken words filled the air. Jimin's voice trembled with regret. "Jungkook... I... I don't know where to begin. I never wanted to hurt you, but circumstances forced me into this engagement. Please, let me explain."

Jungkook's gaze remained steady, his armor gleaming under the sunlight. "Explain, Your Highness. Explain why you chose someone else while I stood by your side, loyal and devoted."

Jimin took a step closer, his voice filled with desperation. "I never wanted to choose someone else, Jungkook. But my duty as the future king demanded that I secure alliances and ensure the stability of our kingdom. It was a decision made with a heavy heart."

Jungkook's grip tightened around his sword, his voice laced with bitterness. "Did you ever think about the consequences of your decision? Did you consider the hearts you would break in the process?"

Jimin's eyes welled up with tears as he reached out a trembling hand, longing to touch the man he still loved. "Jungkook, please understand. It was never my intention to hurt you. I thought I could protect our love by sacrificing my own happiness."

Jungkook's gaze softened, his anger mingling with a deep sense of sorrow. "Protect our love? By leaving me behind, by replacing me? Love doesn't work that way, Jimin. Love doesn't leave scars."

Jimin's voice cracked with raw emotion. "I know, Jungkook. I know now that I made a grave mistake. But please, believe me when I say that my heart has always belonged to you. I never stopped loving you, even when my path led me astray."

Jungkook's grip on his sword loosened, his eyes reflecting a mix of pain and longing. "It's too late now, Jimin. The damage has been done. I tried to wait for you, to keep our love alive, but I couldn't bear the weight of your betrayal any longer."

Jimin's tears fell freely now as he sank to his knees, the weight of his choices crashing down upon him. "I am so sorry, Jungkook. I never wanted to lose you. I never wanted to let our love slip away. Please... forgive me."

Jungkook's expression softened, a glimmer of forgiveness in his eyes. He knelt before Jimin, his voice filled with a mix of pain and tenderness. "I forgive you, Jimin. But forgiveness doesn't erase the pain or mend what's broken. We must find our own paths now, separate from each other."

Jimin nodded, his voice barely above a whisper. "I understand. I will spend the rest of my life regretting the choices I made, knowing that I let go of the greatest love I have ever known."

With a heavy heart, Jungkook stood up, his gaze lingering on Jimin one last time. "Goodbye, Jimin. May you find happiness in the life you have chosen."

As Jungkook turned to leave, the weight of their lost love settled upon both of them. They knew their paths had diverged, their destinies rewritten. The sun continued to shine upon the kingdom of Serendipity, but in the hearts of its former prince and the once humble peasant, a lingering ache remained—a reminder of a love that had once burned brightly, but now only flickered as a bittersweet memory.

Author's Note
I might just end this one shot on a sad note. But if I get requests from people for a happy ending then I'll make a pt2

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