Chapter 8 - Getting Use To It

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"So this is, Nezuko?" You ask smiling at her as she moves closer to you, sitting in your lap then giving you a big hug.

You arrived a while after Tanjiro, when the Kakushi dropped you off you bid her farewell and walked around the garden.
You were enraptured by the beautiful, delicate insects as they fluttered their wings. No wonder they called this place the butterfly mansion, it was huge and had butterfly's everywhere.
You met up with Tanjiro a while after meeting up with one of the helpers, Aoi Kanzaki. She gave you some rice balls, it was kind of strange at first. She came up out of nowhere, but you thanked her and she welcomed you inside.
Afterwards you met up with Tanjiro and now you were meeting his little sister Nezuko. It was almost starting to get late outside and the three of you were in a room where the sun wasn't visible or shining through the curtains.

You giggle and hug her back, she's so sweet! This is the demon that the Hashira wanted to kill?! I would've never believed it.

"Yes, she's my younger sister. I hope one day to find a cure for her to turn back human." Tanjiro says with a sad smile, the sound of hope lingering in his voice. I felt bad, I could never imagine what he's going through.
He lost his whole family besides his sister to a demon and the way he described this demon that killed his family sounded fairly all too familiar, you couldn't remember where you seen him before.

After a while of talking with Tanjiro, the both of you started braiding Nezuko's long hair. You wanted to teach Tanjiro how to do something girly for Nezuko. She seemed happy about it and it made me happy, enjoying my time with the Kamado siblings.
As you were teaching Tanjiro how to braid her hair,  you laughed when he messed up a few times but he eventually got the hang of it.

There was this feeling of warmth in your heart at this moment, you lost your parents and never had siblings before but it felt like you were getting closer with these two in such a short time. It felt like they could be your family and maybe not by blood, but by heart.

Even though your just meeting these two you felt the urge to protect them and help with Tanjiro's goal to turn Nezuko back. You started to face the fact that you had to get use to this new life until you can find a way to go back to your world.
You and Tanjiro were sitting crisscrossed from each other, you were letting Tanjiro braid her hair by himself now to learn better.

You and Tanjiro were sitting crisscrossed from each other, you were letting Tanjiro braid her hair by himself now to learn better

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"Did I do good?" Tanjiro ask with an excited smile as he finished her braid.
"You did great, Tanjiro-Kun! But what does Nezuko think?" You praised him while observing the braid he just finished.
His smile became brighter and he thanked you for the compliment then turned to look at Nezuko for her opinion.

"Mm-hmm!" She nods in approval as you and Tanjiro smile at her.
Then his expression switched, it seemed like he realized something.

"May I ask why you were defending me and my sister, Y/N-San? You don't know us, but you still chose to help even risking your own life as well."

Akaza x F!Reader x RengokuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora