Chapter 24

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(Authors note: Sorry about my absence! I have been really caught up with finishing some things up.)

F.Naruto pov:
Before I could answer there was a knock on the door. Both our eyes snapped over to the door. "Yeah?" I called out. The door opened and outside was Itachi. Sasuke groaned at his brother's presence. "Sorry to interrupt, but may I borrow Naruto for a moment?" I looked at Sasuke and he nodded in agreement. I smiled apologetically at him and mouthed 'We will finish this later.' He smirked and waved as I walked out. "What is it that you need Itachi?" He turned to me and smiled. "I have a job and thought you would like to help." I smile back at him and start walking towards the living room. "Depends on the job...Are we baking again?" He chuckles and nods.

F.Sasuke pov:
'I was so close to finding out! Itachi just had to show up and ruin it. I need to hear him confirm what I believe he wants... I need to hear him say it. I need to know he feels the same. Maybe I'm being too clingy? What if he wants me to leave him alone? What if he hates me for leaving him still? I-I can't breath' My breathing became uneven as all the negative thoughts came rushing back. Slowly black dots filled my vision. Before I knew it my legs gave out and I passed out.

F.Naruto pov:
On my way back I heard a thump come from inside my room. I ran and opened the door to find Sasuke on the floor, his breathing uneven. "Sasuke, are you okay?" No answer. "Hey Sasuke, wake up!" He wouldn't move or answer me. Then I realized he had another panic attack. I sat down beside him and slowly placed my hand on his head. He tensed up more. "Calm down Sasuke. It's just me, you're not alone anymore." He seemed to calm down after hearing my voice again.
After about an hour of sitting on the floor, I heard a groan from Sasuke indicating that he was waking up. Once he sat up he started to tremble again. "Sasuke... are you okay?" He had tensed up and flinched away from me. A wave of worry and hurt passed through me at the sight. "Sasuke? What's wrong?" He flinched, but didn't tense up again. "Sasuke?" I reached towards him and grabbed his arm. I then pulled him into my arms forcing him into a hug. He wiggled around in my grip trying to break free. "Sasuke stop fighting me, let me help you again." He stopped struggling and just sat in my arms. "Are you done fighting me? Will you surrender and let me help?" I got my answer when he buried deeper into my hold. "There, now why did you have a panic attack?" He didn't answer me again. "I can't help if you don't tell me what is wrong." He took a deep breath and sat up a little to look me in the eyes. Fear was swimming through his eyes again. "I-I was overthinking again..." I stared at him for a second and he looked away not wanting to hold eye contact with me. Seeing how guarded he was being told me this was important to him. He really didn't want to admit whatever it was that caused his panic attack. "I won't be mad at you for anything you tell me. But for you to feel better and not have another one, you need to tell me what caused this." Sasuke looked me in the eye and took a deep breath before speaking. "I are you mad that I left you?" I stared at him and gave a honest smile. "No of course not, you only did that because you wanted answers." He seemed a bit more relieved but I knew that wasn't the whole truth.

Authors note:
Again really sorry for not posting... I have major writer's block

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