Part 19

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F.Naruto pov:
'Kurama said it was true... Deidara was controlled and honestly, I feel bad for him.' He gave me a pained look as his eyes were filled with worry. "Deidara, is something wrong? You look like someone just kicked your puppy?" His eyes widened at that comment and he seemed a little sad. "I guess you could say something bad happened... I had a little brother... he loved to paint and prank people... but we were forced to separate and now he doesn't remember me." Almost immediately I got a memory of running around with another blond as a child. I gave a sad smile and noticed his arm. He still had two of them which confused me. Deidara must've noticed my staring because he pulled up his sleeve and showed me that it was a prosthetic. "You got me pretty good..." I couldn't hear what he had said because Kurama summoned me into the mind space. "Kit, do you not remember him?" I gave him a confused look and he just let out a huff. "Your that dense huh kit? Your big brother is here!" My eyes widened as all the pieces clicked together. "Kurama... you're not lying right? Deidara is my brother right?" The lazy fox nodded and brought me back to reality "NARUTO! Are you still alive!?" I came back to reality to see my very worried brother shaking me "Aniki? Why are you shaking me?" His eyes lit up with joy as he hugged me. "You do remember me! I can't explain how happy I am right no-" We felt a surge of chakra and he grabbed me hiding me behind him. All I could do was smile at the familiar chakras heading our way. "It's ok Deidara... Those two chakras are safe, it's just the Uchihas." That didn't calm him; he only seemed to stiffen as he got into a defensive stance. He turned back to look at me. "That is what I was afraid of... Stay ba-'' He didn't get a chance to finish his sentence because of the guy that was clearly thrown at the bars. I peeked out from behind my brother to see a very angry Sasuke and a calm Itachi walking towards us. Sasuke got to the bars first and kicked the door in as he grabbed Deidara and pushed him aside. The look on my brother's face was beyond angry. Though Sasuke didn't seem to care as he looked me over, checking for any damage. I could only roll my eyes at his actions. I hugged him and he relaxed into my arms as he hugged back. I looked over his shoulder to see Itachi and Deidara talking. They looked over at us and Itachi had to hold deidara back so he wouldn't attack Sasuke. I let go of Sasuke and he flashed his signature smirk towards my brother. Who was now off the ground and in Itachi's arms flailing.
Time skip to when Deidara is calm:
"We should go now... Deidara, will you do the honor?" Deidara smirked at Itachi and reached into his clay pouch. He than made a bunch of clay spiders that set themselves up on the wall. " Naruto get behind a Uchiha. I don't want you hurt." I stood behind Sasuke who turned to face me. "Katsu!" The spiders then blew up the wall sending bits of debris back at us. Thankfully no one got seriously injured.

Tim skip to outside the village in a cave:
F.Sasuke pov:
I watched as Naruto sat with Deidara talking about stuff. Occasionally the two blonds would snicker or giggle. 'If I'm being honest I am extremely jealous of Deidara right now... he has my blonds full attention and I hate it!' I glared at the pair when I felt a familiar presence behind me. "Nii-san? Do you need something?" Itachi gave me a smile as he chuckled a bit. "Sasuke, are you jealous of Deidara?" I gave him my full attention.
"What makes you think that Nii-san?" I could tell he saw through my charade. "You have no reason to be afraid of losing Naruto to Deidara. They are siblings." He must have noticed how relieved I was because he smirked and pointed behind me. I didn't understand until I felt someone about to jump on me, my reaction time being extremely fast made it so I was turned around in time to catch the blond. We landed on the ground with a thump as he giggled and hugged me. "Sasuke! How did you get out and when did Itachi show up?!" I smiled and hugged him as I sat us upright. "Well that was because of past you..."

Authors note:
So Next chapter will be out by Friday hopefully but the reason I am making this note is because next chapter will be from when Sasuke opened the box!

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