3 | When Do We Start?

Start from the beginning

The club VERS was a pristine gay bar on 9th Avenue where they served good food and played host to the fabulous Jimin and his friends from time to time. Jungkook had become a part of the friend group and hung out with them almost exclusively.

He took an Uber to 9th Avenue and found his friends waiting outside the bar. He was on time for a change.

"Bitch you look hot!" Jimin exclaimed. He grew to learn that his boss and friend would never disappoint in the fashion department. As a matter of fact, some outfits he wore to work he could wear to the club and at a photo shoot.

 As a matter of fact, some outfits he wore to work he could wear to the club and at a photo shoot

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"These old rags?" Jungkook said while laughing. He was thankful that the wine was working. It had loosened him up a bit. Now he needed to get inside and order from the bar.

Jimin, Jungkook, and the rest all made it to their reserved table. Jimin and Jungkook were joined by two married couples. One couple was Jisoo and Jin. Both of them were extremely beautiful and made the most gorgeous couple. Jisoo used to actually work at Joel Entertainment in the mail room with Jimin before his promotion and before Jisoo decided to have a baby. They were secretly called the baby couple. They're the ones who want to take up the whole night passing around their phones full of pictures and videos of their baby and their domestic life.


The other couple was Hyunjin and Felix. They were the youngest of the friend group. These two always looked like they came right from a photo shoot. They were both models but Felix was just starting to get roles as an actor.

Bingo! That's why we're here. Felix finally landed his first role. We're celebrating with him.

Then finally there was Hoseok. He was as chronically single as Jimin and Jungkook, except he wanted a relationship. Most girls found him too intense. And it's been rumored they couldn't handle his large penis. That's why Jungkook kept him in the friend zone- not the large penis rumor, but because Hoseok desired marriage. He was so into relationships and marriage that his good looks were not enough to even consider him to be one of Jungkook's personals. He would want love and touching and all that nonsense.

"Congratulations, Felix," Jungkook said as he took a sip of his beer.

"Yes, congrats my friend," Hoseok declared.

The rest went around giving him well wishes for his new role. They all had drinks and finally, their food came. They ate their delectables as they watched the people on the dance floor. It never ceased to amaze Jungkook how many clubs were packed on a Thursday night. But, that was New York.

"Ok guys we said we wouldn't, but these pictures are so cute. She took her first steps," Jisoo excitedly passed around her phone.


"Yeah, he's really growing up. This is totally a different photo and video than the few you emailed us all this morning," Jungkook said sarcastically.

"My god-niece is stunning. So proud of her," Hoseok exclaimed. His eyes were warm. He wanted kids and to be married so badly. He was living vicariously through Jisoo and Jin.

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