Withdraw! Wait, we're missing one!

Start from the beginning

"I got him, let's go!"

"Yuri, Katana, with me!" Price raised his M4 and lined immediately up on another soldier and shot him. Katana and Yuri pushed forward as Price rounded the corner to go downstairs, passing the room Arrow was being detained in. Arrow closed his eyes as he steadied his breath.

'You're a Shadow. Knife in the boot, cut the zip tie, fight your way out and re-group.' He closed his eyes as the gunfire continued to intensify as screams were heard right outside of his door. He adjusted his position and leaned back, running his bounded hands against the blade of his knife somewhat tucked away in his boot. He felt the tension release as the zip tie snapped, and he immediately jumped up and hugged the wall. A thump echoed against the door as Arrow squinted, waiting for the right time. The door was kicked open as a Russian soldier pushed into the room.

Arrow waited as the soldier took a few steps into the room and lunged for the soldier, colliding with the warrior. The two impacted the adjacent wall as the soldier grunted and fell to the floor as Arrow angled his weight to land on top of the soldier. The soldier began to struggle to get Arrow off as the Shadow shifted his weight. He immediately reached for the knife in his boot and yanked the knife out of its place and shoved the blade at the soldier's neck, grunting with all his might as the blade went effortlessly into the soldier's neck, slicing his jugular open. The soldier quit moving as Arrow rose from the bloodied mess and grabbed the fallen soldier's AK-47. He inspected the gun to ensure it was loaded and glanced at the entrance to where bodies just remained.

He stepped into the hallway carefully, checking his corners, spotting no one moving. He shook his head and followed the path the rest of the Task Force had cleared out until he stepped in the courtyard. Loyalist troops were scattering everywhere as gunfire erupted further into the town as civilians ran to loyalist positions. Arrow glanced up to see an orbiting UAV, firing missiles into the town and he closed his eyes to exhale. "God damnit. One day, one day is all I ask for." He kept his head down and kept moving through the chaotic mess.

Arrow left the courtyard, turning right as he began to wander alertly, he had to make it out of here alive. He lifted his AK as he heard movement ahead and began to approach quietly. He slid against the wall carefully as soldiers were speaking Russian to each other up ahead with one voice sounding very familiar. He inhaled, releasing his breath as he reached the edge of the wall waiting for the right moment.

Deciding the time was right, he turned the corner raising his AK, snapping to the first soldier he saw. Immediately his mind froze as he blinked on his target; it was Soap, the remaining soldiers began turning around raising their weapons too shouting at him until one shouted out loud. Everyone lowered their weapon as the Russian turned to Arrow. "Arrow?"

Arrow blinked and lowered his weapon. "Nikolai. What the hell is going on?"

"Perfect! Now we can really get Soap out of here!" He smiled as he beckoned Arrow over. Arrow immediately moved over and reached his arm around Soap, throwing his arm over his shoulder. Nikolai looked over again. "Did Price send you to us?"

"No." Arrow shook his head.

"Why aren't you with the others?" Nikolai immediately arched his eyebrows.

"Never was with them. Left behind." Arrow shifted his gear around to hold Soap with stability.

Nikolai shook his head. "You must have pissed Katana off, she's become a bitch now."

"I noticed. She told me to kill myself." Arrow blinked. "Alright, topic change. Are we ready to move?"

Nikolai shouted to the Loyalists to secure the street as the group started to move to exfil Soap out of the area.

"Nikolai, where are you? We have the UGV secured!" Katana's voice crackled over the radio.

"I'm a block away, moving as fast as we can!" Nikolai continued to communicate as Soap coughed, groaning, really coming from his dazed state.

"Good bloody mornin'." He hissed out as he clenched his teeth, looking over to his left, looking at the soldier carrying him. "Good seeing you Arrow."

"Mornin' to you too Cap." Arrow kept his gaze straight as the neighborhoods ended, leading to an open clearing as Price and other loyalists had secured the helicopter. Price snapped his head to Nikolai.

"We've got to go! Get him on!" Price shifted his gaze, landing on Arrow. "Arrow? What are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be with the others?"

"Negative sir, I was left behind and had to fight my way out." Arrow guided Soap over to the Little Bird as Nikolai climbed into the cockpit and began to power up the aircraft. He assisted getting the wounded soldier onto the aircraft as Price was stunned for a moment.

"We left you behind?"

Arrow turned to Price after securing Soap, "Yes sir. I'm not mad though, the situation called for it."

Price just blinked and shook his head, "It won't happen again Sergeant, I promise." Arrow took a step closer to Price, leaning into his ear.

"I'm used to this sir, when we get out of here, I need to go back to the US."

Price turned his gaze to Arrow as his finger etched closer to the trigger. Maybe he was a risk. "What reason do you have?"

"We have a safehouse that's housing Angel and Snow, they're firmly placed in a squad under me when I was a Shadow, if we get them, we get our remaining survivors back! I... also have a request sir."

Price paused for a moment, "Continue son!"

"I can get my squad to join us!" The helicopter had deafened the area. Price nodded at him for approval.

"Get us your wolves Sergeant!"

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