Chapter 3 - Inheritance

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I hoped this would happen! Now what Light left in his letter makes total sense! But... there is still the problem of retrieving the Death Notes...

"So..." I stated abruptly, "How have you been lately, Matsuda-San!"

"Er... good." He replied. It seems I caught him off-guard... in spite of that... how did he of all people kill Kira? We'll soon find out!

"Please excuse me, Matsuda-San," I stood up, "I will be making dinner now. Is onigiri suitable?"

"Yes. Thank you very much for having me for dinner." He said politely.

I walked into the kitchen, casually ignoring Matsuda.

"Oh dear!" I tried not to make this sound forced or sarcastic, "It seems we are out of nori. No matter. I'll simply buy some more at the supermarket. I'll be about an hour... I'm very sorry. It will take me a long time to walk... so please feel free to make yourself at home, Matsuda-San. The remote is inside the TV cabinet. There are some snacks if you get hungry. You'll find those in the cupboard above the fridge. Also, the WiFi password is written on a piece of paper on top of the fridge."

"Don't worry. I can wait for you to come back before I eat. Don't be surprised if you find me watching TV... or better still... on my phone!" He laughs light-heartedly.

I force some laughter and grab my wallet, a shopping bag my phone and my headphones.

"I'll be back soon!" I hollered before leaving the house.
* * *
A cold waft of breeze gently swept over my skin and I glanced up to see a sky filled with formidable, tell-tale dark grey clouds.The wind grew slightly stronger and whistled through the leaves of the half bare trees.

I panicked as I got a sudden mounting sense of dread. As if I was drowning and couldn't swim to save myself.

I stop and stand still... I let my eyes close... my eyes flew open abruptly... something bad is coming... I know it.

I can sense a presence that seems so familiar and seems to hold warm and comforting memories... yet... it terrifies me to no end.

Without so much as a shred of self-control or though I mutter as if I'd rehearsed it 100 times, "Doom is upon us all. Manipulation on a despicable scale is imminent. It will unite those who seek an end together in pitiful desperation. They will fight in a futile battle, a world-wide war. Brothers will kill brothers. Sisters will kill sisters. The end is nowhere in sight. The doom is upon us all."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2019 ⏰

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