Chapter Two - Purpose

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I must have made a loud noise when I hit the tiles, because Sayu raced tomy exact location.

"F-Fumio..." She blurted out feebly. She burst into the tears in spite of my pitiful state.

I briefly gazed at her and forced a very broken smile. I outstretched my arms and beckoned her closer. We held each other tightly in a warm embrace.

"Sayu..." I begin.

"Yes, Fumio?" She looks up at me.

"Do you think... what nii-sama did was... wrong?" I ask her.

"Well..." She begins. She lowers her voice to a whimsical whisper. "I think that he was wrong to kill all those innocent people. Fumio... he was a murderer... a cold blooded killer who ruined countless lives on impulsive decisions. He was mindless idiot who killed in spite and to quench his insatiable for power. " She was very serious now. Sayu was always very level headed...

We shed no more tears to be seen. Although we both had puffy, red eyes and sniffled occasionally.

"I'll be here for you always Sayu... I can't lose you and mum too..." I trailed off.

"I-I know..." Her voice broke and turned into the broken sounds of a pained wail. She started crying again and buried her head in my chest. I wrapped my arms tightly around her in a vain attempt to sooth the pain weighing down her heavy heart.

I sighed heavily and finally decided, "Well... I guess it's time we went back to hear..." I hesitated as I tried to think of a way to put it lightly, "...the rest."

Sayu continued crying into my chest. I rest my head on hers.

"Sayu..." I said after a little while. "We have to go back now... I know you don't want to, honestly, neither do I! But... we have to know..."

Gah! I thought to myself. I suck at trying to sooth people; I always make it worse than it was before! I can't convince Sayu to hear the rest... but we can't sit here all day...

She nodded. I stood up and held out my hand. She placed hers in mine as I hoisted her up.

Just as we were going to walk into the lounge room sit down I heard the strange man mutter darkly, "I'm so sorry... it was me... I killed your son, Light." Mum stifled a cry of shock as he said this.

I signalled for Sayu to stay back as I continued eavesdropping.

"No. It's okay." She replied gently. No it's not! I screamed mentally.

"You did what had to be done, and I thank you. I just wish Soichiro was here with me at the moment..." She replied emotionlessly.

I flicked my head towards the lounge signalling to go in. Sayu and I walked in and took our places.

"Hi." I said to the strange man, trying to sound pleased to meet him.

"Hi! I'm really sorry about your brother." He said looking at me innocently.

"No. It's ok," I replied edgily. "I'm so rude, I didn't even introduce myself! I'm Fumio Yagami and this is my sister Sayu Yagami." I concluded pointing to myself and Sayu as I spoke. Will he fall for the nice act? I wondered mentally.

"Ah! Me neither! I'm Touta Matsuda!" He stated cheerfully as I shook his hand. Hook, line and sinker! I reflected darkly.

Your first. You, Touta Matsuda. You will die first by my own hand. You will be the first victim of the new Kira.

The Legacy You Left Behind - A Death Note FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang