
The three paused to see who it was. View turned too, hopeful that the person could help him. The man that stepped out, however, looked like he was going to shoot all the four of them on spot. View felt all hope leave him as the man glared at them.

"This is our fucking area, HOW DARE YOU NOBODYS FUCK HERE?!"

"Who are you?" The girl asked taking out a tazer from her pocket.

The man did not seem happy with this "I'll tell you who the hell I am!"

He took an angry step closer, View's eyes widened as he saw the guy reach for something in his jacket. All he saw was the outline of a gun before his vision blurred as the bullies yanked him and threw him at the man before turning and making a run for it. View fell to the ground.

The younger quickly faced the gangster with terror and tried to get up.

"I'm so s-sorry, I'll leave! I'll lea-"

"Are you fine?"

View was confused with the drastic change in tone. He let the man help him up.

"Are you hurt anywhere?"

"Ah.. Uh.. No krap. Thank you?" View was confused. Was this man helping him?


Did that kid have a tazer with her?!

Team was thankful the kids had bought his bluff and ran away. If they had actually fought he might have been trouble, because of the tazer and all. It had been difficult enough for him not to flinch away and continue his act, t the time.

"I'm Team na" He smiled offering his hand to the boy in front of him. It took Team a second to realise why he still looked scared.

"Ah, I study at T-university, I was coming back from a... Fasion show" He said pointing to his makeup and dress "when I saw you and thought I should help."

This seemed to ease the boy. He smiled, taking Team's outstretched hand before wai'ng him "Thank you so much phi!"

The elder blushed "No problem. It's pretty late, can I help you get somewhe-"

All the air was suddenly knocked out of Team's lungs as something big slammed against him and he landed hard against the pavement, his body pads hardly easing his fall. It took him a moment to finally focus on his surroundings again. There was a heavy weight on top of him, pinning him down to the ground.

"Get away from my brother!" A voice growled.

View seemed to speak at the same time "HIA NO!"


Team held the hot bag to his aching neck as Win finished bandaging the scratches on his other arm.

"Are you hurt anywhere else?" The elder inquired, a little guiltily, as he scanned the rest of Team's visible body.

"Um.... I don't think so phi"

Win had seen View's message for help and ran out to the location. When he reached he saw his brother joining his hands in front of a shady looking person and sprinted towords them to tackle the man down. View later pulled Win off and explained to him everything that had happened.

The two apologized to Team, who was grumpy after being hurt. Upon seeing that the man's arms were scratched and bleeding because of the fall they insisted on helping him. They dragged Team to Win's dorm room, that was coincidently only a floor above his own and got him to have a bath.

As he took a shower, Team could hear the senior scolding View outside. Once he was done cleaning, Win gave him a pair of his clothes and Team promised to return them after washing. On getting out of the shower, he saw Win ready on the bed with a hot bag and first aid kit beside him. View was sitting in one corner on his knees, he was being punished.

Now, Win stood at the dorm door "Sorry once again nong Team"

The younger smiled, a bag with the costume in his hands "It's okay phi! I'm not holding any grudge na. See you later."

He waved a bye to View and the new senior before moving towords the dorm stairs.

Win smiled.


Win pulled the duvets higher as View snuggled closer to him in his sleep. He placed a sniff kiss on his brother's forehead. Poor View had gotten scolded by everyone today. He had simply missed his hia, all he had wanted to do was spend some time with Win but instead ended up getting yelled at from both his brothers and parents.

Win couldn't ever really stay mad at him.

Slowly, he found his thoughts once again wandering back to the boy he had seen earlier today. Team.

The junior had really taken his interest, Win didn't know why. Maybe it was the way he was ready to fight for View with just a toy gun Or how amazingly different he looked after the shower... maybe it was how cute and stubborn he was Or the fact that the two shared similar interests in swimming.

Win didn't know what it was. But he had taking a sudden liking to Team. It felt different, he couldn't really understand it.

All Win knew for now was that he wanted to hang out with Team. He wanted to be his friend. He wanted to know him better. And he would be finding ways to do so over the weekend. So he could pester his way into the junior's life the following Monday.

He had a feeling things were going to go well with the dark haired junior....

The End

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