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Win and Team had made their relationship public for quite some time now. Everyone in their uni knew about it thanks to the cute boy fan page.

Now the swim team had come out to another city for a swimming competition, they were going to stay there for three days till the competition was over. Today was the second day and Team was standing near the stands where students had gathered to cheer and watch the match.

He had just finished all his races for today and was selected for the finals that would be held the next day. He watched as the shot rung out and his boyfriend dove in.

After a few minutes when Win was coming out of the pool, Teams attention was pulled by voices he could hear from the stands behind him, a group of girls were talking about how handsome some boy in the white and blue windbreaker looked, one of them went on about how he looked even more attractive with the wet hair and was totally her type. They were planning on getting the guys number. He glanced back at them quickly before looking back in front.

He and Win were the only ones wearing windbreakers at the moment while the others were in their trunks. Team knew that Win was handsome but that didn't mean he liked people eyeing his man. The completion was over and the his other teammates were checking out the point list.

Team strode upto him "Hey, did you see the match, the other team almost me!" The Junior smiled giving win a brief hug before saying how he saw everything. Win raised an eyebrow as Team slung his hand around Win's shoulder and dragged him towards the changing rooms.


The swim team were having dinner at a street food restaurant near the hotel they were temporarily staying at. Team was looking around for his boyfriend, Win had forgotten his phone and had ram across the road to the hotel to get it. That had been ten minutes ago.

Team got up from the table saying he would go see where the senior was. The moment he exited the restaurant he saw Win standing a little far towards his right, a group of four girls were surrounding him. Team recognised them as the same group who he had heard earlier at the pool today. The girl with the same bright red hair he had seen in the morning told him that his suspicion was correct.

As he reached closer the voices got clearer "-ease na give us the phone number" "We won't call and irritate too much" Team could see that Win was not fond of the idea.

He increased his speed and pulled Win by the collar, not waiting to say anything he kissed him on his lips. The seniors eyes widened for a second before they relaxed, not competely closing them, instead just peeping out from a thin gap.

Team broke their kiss and felt an arm slide on his waist, "Sorry, but he's mine" Team said looking at the four shocked girls before taking the hand from his waist and holding it tightly as he pulled Win towards the restaurant.


Team sat on his bed, scrolling through his phone as Win shut the room door. As they usually slept together, they had gotten a single room for themselves. There were two beds but only one of them was used for sleeping.

Suddenly his phone was taken away and put on the side table. Win crawled on top of him, a smug grin on his face "Damn, you have no idea how you made me feel when you kissed me in front of them like that"

Team controlled the smile that was threatening to form on his face "Why didn't you tell them you won't give your number earlier?" Team said trying to sound as sulky as he could.

Win stared at him for sometime "Team... They were asking me for your number" The juniors head snapped up words, the other man was grinning down at him.


"They thought I'm your best friend" He laughed "They asked me for your number and I said no but then they started insisting.... That's when you came and kissed me, declaring that I'm yours and dragging me away"

The juniors mouth was open a little in surprise. They had been asking for his number. "Ah- well-uh....anyways now they won't make a move on me so problem solved" He mumbled pushing Win off and going to the suitcase to get a change of clothes.

The senior grinned, shaking his head as Team took the clothes and rushed inside the bathroom.

The End

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