Sigurd Lust 🍋

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You slowly open your eyes as the bright light hits them. You cover the shining light with your paws. You slowly get up, and you notice that you are alone. You look around, and you see white clothes and dark slack pants with a note above them. You crawl into bed and get the note. It said that.

Note: Good morning, Shiro, I'm leaving this note since I'm going to go to work in the city and I don't want to wake you up from your sweet sleep. As you can see, there are clothes in the bed, and that is your butler's suit. Well, you wonder why you already have that. The answer is that I ordered it while we were riding in the taxi, and I hope that it will fit you. But before you wear it, make sure to take a bath, and I left some soap for you to make your fur look clean. After that, you can wear it and start your job as a butler by cleaning the house and cooking. If you need something, just call my little brother. Good luck, Shiro.

Shiro: Why did he put a heart at the end? Well, anyway, now that I'm going to start my work as a butler here, I will do my best to serve them.

Before you go downstairs, you fix the bed. You then go downstairs, but before you go down, you stop at the door where Sigurd's room is. You remember what he said last night; since Ragnar is not here, I think it is best for you to talk to him and get to know him more. Since you don't want to interrupt Sigurd, you head downstairs and go into the bathroom. You look at the door, and you remove your clothes. You see that there is a soap and shampoo that have a name for you. Since you are shy about using the bathroom, you use the shower as soon as you turn on the faucet. Warm water hits your face and body, making your whole body wet. You then use the soap and shampoo that Ragnar gives you. After putting it all over your body, your whole body is bubbling, and you rinse it. After bathing, you dry yourself using the towel. You look at yourself in the mirror, and you are surprised at how you look. For the first time, you can say to yourself that you look good. You leave the bathroom as you head up to Ragnar's room. You close the door, and you wear the butler's suit. When you are about to wear the clothes, you notice that you don't have underwear, but you don't have any, so you decide to wear the black pants without underwear. Since the pants have a tail hole for your tail, it is easy for you to wear them, and since Ragnar taught you how to wear the clothes properly, it is easy for you to wear them. After wearing the pants, you wear your white long-sleeve shirt, white socks, black shoes, your white long-sleeve shirt, and lastly, the white suit. You turn around, and it really fits you. You don't really know why you need to wear this. You leave Ragnar's room, and you decide to check on Sigurd in his room. You fix yourself since you don't know how you look in your butler suit. After fixing it, you knock on the door as you hear Sigurd walk towards it. As Sigurd opens the door and sees you, he stops and looks at you like he is surprised.

 As Sigurd opens the door and sees you, he stops and looks at you like he is surprised

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Shiro: "What's wrong?" Do I look bad in this outfit?

Without any words, Sigurd pulls you inside the room, and he pins you into his bed. You feel yourself blushing and nervous.

Shiro: "What are you doing, Mr. Sigurd?"

You can see that Sigurd is breathing heavily, and he can't stop looking at you. He moved closer to your face as you got flustered and didn't know what to do. Out of nowhere, Sigurd slaps his face as he moves back.

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