Bloody Deal

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A/n: So imma turn the story back into like a script version since I can't do the yk yk srry!

As Lady D. walks through the castle halls, one of her "daughters" flys flew in front of her.

Daniela: Mother.

Lady D.: Ah- Daniela? What is it, my blood fly?

Daniela: The two humans in your room. I'm thirsty and hunger for their blood, mother.

Lady D.: I know you are, Daniela. But you know the roll, no blood fest before the ceremony for now.

Daniela: Mother, no need to be rude about Mother Miranda but, WHO CARES ABOUT A GOD DAMN CEREMONY?! IT'S JUST CEREMONYING A CHILD TO BECOME HERS!

Lady D.: HUSH, Daniela. What disrespect and obedience is this?! I expect better from you.

Daniela: I know and I'm sorry. But I'm speaking facts here. I'm HUNGRY FOR THEIR BLOOD.

Bella: Same here.

Bella flew next to Daniela.

Cassandra: Me too and Daniela's right.

Cassandra flew to the opposite side of Daniela.

Lady D.: I know your hungry and I respect that, but as your mother we can't have a blood fest before the ceremony since we have to save out food for the ceremony. I rest and assure you three will have the best meal at the ceremony.

Bella: But we can't wait!


Lady D.: Let's just finish this and make a deal. You three play safe and "kind" to all humans that are in this castle and trap them. Then we'll save two for dinner after the ceremony.

Daniela: We just have to be nice?

Bella: But mother, how do we explain the part of we sliced their hand and you tasting their blood.

Lady D.: I'll take it from there, don't worry.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2023 ⏰

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