A Winter Meet up

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Meanwhile in the castle..

"Ughh! Give that back!" Cassandra yelled to Bela "I found it first! I must have it!" Bela replied angrily and thirsty for blood.. 

"Now, now what's the meaning of this?" Lady Dimitrescu asked as she enters the door..

"Mother! Bela can't have the last glass of blood! I want it!" Cassandra exclaimed..

"No! I want it!" Daniela followed her instincts "I am hungry! Thirsty! And willing to do everything for that glass!" Daniela yelled 

"Now... let's settle this.." Lady Dimitrescu exclaimed calmly "Now my loving daughters.. I just came back from my Family meeting and I heard an outsider came through the vil-" Daniela disturbed "WHERE ARE THEY?!"

 "Now now Daniela.. calm yourself.. he is just being used for entertainment by your stupid uncle Karl.." Lady Dimitrescu replied softly..

"But after the show I am sure he will visit us and we will have our own private show and meal.." she continued..

"OoOo! I do love that! I don't care about this glass anymore I want that man!" Bela placed the glass down and smirks..

"Me too!" "Me three" as Daniela and Cassandra followed along..

Meanwhile outside..

"Thank you for your purchase, Ethan." said the Duke "I will be seeing you soon" as he continued..

"Yes, uhm- thank you too.." As Ethan slowly walks away scratching his head.. then he heard screams "What the?" as Ethan looks back..

You, Ellie and Josh all ran into Ethan without seeing him..

"Ow.. Watch it!" Ethan exclaimed placing his cold hand to his head.. "We're so sorry!" you apologized.. "Wait a minute" as you said.. 

"A survivor!" Ellie exclaimed.. "Huh? What? My head-" as Josh said..

"Man.. kids these days.. what are you evenly all doing here?!" pissed Ethan asked.. "You gonna tell him?" Josh looks at Ellie..

"Why me? Y/n should do it" Ellie crossed her arms "Fine.. b*tch-" you replied and then mumbled "What?" Ellie asked "Nothing.." you replied

After telling everything..

"Man you're all stupid! You should have just drove away!" Ethan said.. "I don't have my keys.. looks like Dan dropped them while he was running.. did you evenly felt a car key while looting him Y/n?" he looks at you..

"None, just his phone and pocket knife" you replied.. 

"Aish.. stupid. Alr, Idk where tf I could leave you but YOU are all coming with me.. inside whether you like it or not." Ethan said while pointing to the 3 of you..

"We didn't catch your name-" Ellie softly says..

"It's.. Ethan. Just Ethan for now.." Ethan replied.. "Cmon, we don't have much time to save her.." he continues and opens the castle gates..

"Be careful in there!" as the Duke yelled.. "Did he just-" you asked then get disturbed "talked? yea I noticed that too" Josh replied..

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