A Family Argument

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You shoot the claw that was scratching every corner and area of the window then the claw retracted out..

"Nice aim, Kid.." Matteo said, "Now what? We can't stay here and fight these sh*t ass zombies!-" Josh exclaimed 

"You better rename them kid, they are mostly called Lycans.." Matteo replied, while you were looking around you replied "Lycans? Wtf?"

Matteo nodded and scratched his head "Yea.. you kids are lucky that ya'll don't live here in the snowy darkness of this kingdom.." 

"Snowy Kingdom?!" Ellie exclaimed, "So there's actually royalty ruling?!" she continued "No longer in their original state kid" as he shoot a Lycan staring through a window.. "They are much more likely dead-ish rn"

"Really? How come? What happen?" you asked.. "Boy.. I am not those small gadgets things that you all use these days.. but I know someone who knows what happen here.."

"Great! More survivors!" You replied.. "But idk if they are dead as f*ck or still living and breathing" Matteo replied..

"Then let's get going.." Josh said "Do you know the place" he continued.. "I sure do..but this will be tricky, bc of these ding dang Lycans.."

20 minutes of silence pass you, Josh, Matteo and Ellie were sitting in corners where the Lycans can't see you all..

Matteo peeked out of the window slowly and carefully and seeing no sights of Lycans anywhere..

"Alright kids, cmon.." he said while whispering "Make the f*ck sure you all be quiet and slow, bc these Lycans are really fast and hungry" as he continued..

You 3 nodded..

You crawled to Matteo and Ellie and Josh followed along, as Matteo pushes the cabinet carefully and opens the door, they were in luck that they were no Lycans anywhere.. he did a hand signal and starts walking slowly and carefully..

Meanwhile in an abandoned church..

"Mother Miranda!" Lady Dimitrescu stood up angrily "How could you pick my stupid little brother over.. me?! I due promise you the best bloody wine that has ever been made!" as she continued..

"Stupid?! Little?! Listen up you gigantic piece of sh*t she chose me over you bc I am more capable in handling humans like him!" Karl Heisenberg replied angrily.. "Maybe one day your head might actually fit your ego!" as he continued..

"Do I get a saying in this?" as the human mumbles "OOoOoO~~ Fight fight fight" as the curse and old doll exclaimed

"Silence!" said by Mother Miranda spreading her wings fiercely, "My decision is final..no more changes, excuses or anything that can change my mind. Is that clear?" Mother Miranda said...

Karl Heisenberg bowed down and replied "Thank you dearest Mother.." as stood up looking at the human.. "Lycans and gentlemen!" Lycans roared from the darkness and others evenly jumped next to Karl..

"I, firstly want to thank you Mother Miranda for choosing me.. and second this will be an UNFORGETTABLE show!" Karl kneeled Infront of the human.. "So get you clown shoes and make up on b*tch.." Karl stood up again and spin around carefully "Now the start of our show, get ready.." he said

"Ethan Winters." as he continues..

My Fair Maiden 🩸Cassandra D. x M! Reader🩸Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ