A normal day of deliveries!

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The alarm goes off as a woman gets out of her bed and places her feet on the dark green colored rug that covers the floor. A single line of sunlight peaks through the opening between the curtains of the room's only window.

She yawns and rubs her eyes before then checking the clock.


Time to get up.

She then pulls a pair of slippers out from under her night stand. The slippers are colored differently, with the right one being green and the left being red. The green one has an 'L' on it while the right one has a 'M'. She slips them onto her feet, making sure to close her eyes and feel the fabric of them carefully as she sighs.

Afterwards, she looks over at the other side of the bed to see that it's now empty. She groans.
Getting up alone....again.

After standing up, the woman then makes her way past the window and out into the dark hallway.

Countless framed baby photos, letters with tape pinning them down, and childhood drawings line the walls. As she passes by them, her eyes stay closed. They are shut as tightly as possible.

She doesn't want to look. She doesn't want to remember. She wants to live without the thought. Just for a bit longer. Please, just let her mind rest for now.

All of the doors are closed, except for one, which she starts to pass by, shutting her eyes even more as she passes it, until suddenly....something stirs....

This causes her eyes to shoot open, her head to turn, and her to flick on the light as she rushes inside.

???: "BOYS!"

A large kong with pants on turns around.

Donkey Kong: "Huh?"

She stands there for a moment and blinks before her memory returns to her. Right, Donkey Kong, he's lived there since.....since he has no where else to go....

He was the reason that they left......


He needs their help....

That's what they're doing....

They're helping him...

He's a refugee....

And he needs them....

Donkey Kong: "Oh, hey Mama!"

She winces. Every time she hears that nickname now.....it hurts....

People call her Mama because....well.....it's just what stuck! She's helped a lot of people and plenty of them see her like a parental figure. A mom. A mama. So, that's what they call her that, but now, every time they do, it hurts....

Mama: "Good morning.....Donkey....."

Seeing her respond, Donkey Kong smiles and picks a white shirt and a jacket up off of a red bed.

Mama stares at the bed for a moment as Donkey Kong slips on a shirt and then begins putting on the jacket.

Donkey Kong: "So, what's the schedule for today bromom?"

Mama: "Oh.....uh......I don't know...... For you....."

Mama looks around the room. Brown fur covers all of the cabinets, nightstands, and beds. Donkey Kong sheds.......a lot.

Mama: ".....probably deliveries.....again...."

The big kong slips on the jacket.

Donkey Kong: "Oh yeah, right, right....deliveries..... Hey, Mama?"

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