The GPS issue

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Alright the getting lost thing. So. A long time ago, me and my sis went to the botanic garden cos I forgot why but anyway we did it, and then.......... Ok this part is my fault. I went into the bushes to take a lil shortcut to our parents who were way ahead of us. Yep that's how it goes every time. 2 peeps left unattended, what's the worst that could happen?


At some point.... We got lost. Yep. Might have took too long in those bushes. But it's ok right? We can totally find our parents. Totally. So we walked. And walked. Not gonna lie it was probably the best walk I've ever had in my life. But definitely not to our parents because they were extremely frightened of us like, I don't know, falling into the lake or dying to random sus strangers or killed by a bee or whatever we could get up to. And they had never been so worried before. But this is fine :)

I told Kelly, "Let's search by the lake. They should be around here. How about... that tree over there will be our meeting point?"

Kelly... um what did you reply again? I forgot-

Well whatever you get the point right we got lost because of me blah blah blah and then when we were found I got into some trouble. I didn't know how much more trouble I could ever get into. But it was worth it 1000% 😄


Is that the end oh NO it is not!!! Here's what happened a few years later.

My mom has many friends, and one day a susdude from Hong Kong came here for work issues I think and we decided to eat dinner together by the Singapore River. It was going great. And then PLOT TWIST they got fricking COVID-19 and guess what DOUBLE PLOT TWIST we invited Kelly to come instead. So basically we changed our reservation like a million times and the restaurant was like what is wrong with you guys-

And after dinner (which was when the conversation about Kelly's wedding in last chapter took place), we went for a lil stroll by the river. It was a bootiful place. We had many memories here, and maybe I'll talk about another experience one day in the future chapters. Back to the point, we saw a street performance and we started roasting the performer (sorry bout that) and after the performance ended......

Kelly: Are you gay-
Me: why did you ask that
Performer: Nope!
Me: then are you sus?
Performer: Nope!
Me: k (alright you're sus)

Then, we entered the mall next to the performance area. We went to get some ice cream 🍦 and wellllllll. Kelly you explain yourself. Or not. But a series of events happen, no one is happy about it, Kelly is sad. And we didn't get ice cream, we only got a bottle of tea I wanted. Because tea is superior. When we were close to an MRT station, Kelly straight up ran off down the escalator like a fricking wild horse aka my brother (idk if I mentioned my bro the horse in susland news lol) and she was just gone before you could say, "STAY RIGHT THERE AND I'LL TAKE CARE OF THIS."

Yes that is exactly what I said to our parents before chasing her down. And yes they did not hear it at all. So the two of us ran through a sliding door leading back to the mall and we went- up and got down, and we were jumping around-

Sorry about that I couldn't help but start singing lol

But as I was saying, we were going everywhere and I was shouting "NOW YOU GET BACK HERE SOGGY OBAMA SANDWICH WITH EMOTIONAL DAMAGE-" but she kept running until eventually we stopped and she went to the toilet. I considered looking for our parents while waiting but decided to search together. Oh, by the way, I still had that bottle of tea with me the whole time. At least I have tea. Now if you know me you might know that oh I love tea, no matter what kind.

The two of us went around, just wandering around without actually searching properly, but at least we could calm down. I like to think I'm good with this kind of thing sometimes. At least that means I deserve the role of student peer supporter in school. Maybe I could be a therapist or something. And then we decided to go to B1 which was more comfortable to me as there were more shops and I like crowded places with lots of noise. It was also where our parents would search because we went down an escalator at the start, and that was the last thing we did before they lost sight of us.

That was when I really just messed with Kelly.

Me, wildly gesturing: so, lemme see, we started from around there and then went there and then up over there and then there and down again and over about there-

Me a few years later: -and then we went here.

Oh, and also I told her to shout "I SUS!!!" as loud as possible and our parents would find us. Moments after we did, her mom came. Wow that actually worked lol

Kelly: 🩴🩴🩴

And what happened after that isn't important. But anyways, we're even now sis! Last time I got into trouble, this time it's you.

Also, us meeting really is the code word for disaster huh, I don't remember a time everything went well. But I guess it's just part of the fun sometimes. I mean, getting lost? I'd totally do that again if it wasn't for our parents getting worried and mad. Incredibly mad.

But I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and see you next month :D

Update: this is actually a long chapter (well in this book it is, I can write more in competitions) it has around 1000 words. Wow.

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