◇Now That I See You◇

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Rui x gn!reader
One shot title given to me by slaygaysonly ty dude

Rui x gn!readerOne shot title given to me by slaygaysonly ty dude

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Lying in bed sucks when you can't sleep. You try to turn off your phone and limit yourself saying:

"Okay, no more social media, just sleep."

But you can't sleep. You just stare at an empty ceiling, not a thought in the world as the sound of car wheels gliding across the road outside enter your ears. Its kind of therapeutic in a way, listening to the cars drive past allowed you to feel calm and at peace even during a stressful week of exams.

*tick, tick*

The clock in your room reminds you that a slow second is going by of being present in the waking world. It's been a slow and boring hour. You toss and turn continuously: sometimes hugging one of many plushies on your bed, hugging a pillow or just laying face up with your arms and legs stretched in a star position.

You sigh as you stare into that God forsaken blank white ceiling for what felt like the millionth time the past 2 hours.

Why is it taking so long to sleep? You were struggling to keep your eyes open before but now... you're just wide awake?

You give in and reach for your phone which is charging on the side table. You scroll on social media for a bit till you grow bored but still awake.

You open nightcord to see if anyone is online. To your lack of surprise you see a familiar profile picture and username of your friend


Why are you awake?
It's like... 2 am.
Go to bed.


The little dots appeard as he typed. you wait patiently, staring at the screen.

I could as you the same thing~
I'm busy working on my new invention for a show so yk.

He sends a little gif of a cat working hard. You chuckle at the gif but couldn't help but feel bad for him. He's always pulling all nighters, at school he often falls asleep during lunch or in class if he's unlucky. Either way he needed sleep but there's no convincing him otherwise.

Wanna call?

Sure, it will be easier than typing.

Not even a second went by when the little pop up saying "Rui is calling you" shows up. You answer and you are greeted with his wonderful voice.

"Hey, sunshine~" he chimes with a soothing voice, he sounds tired which he makes his voice even more angelic.

"Hello, grape" you reply with a whispered tone as to not wake anyone in your family.

"That's not fair... I gave you such a lovely nickname and you give me grape...?" His lips quiver as he pretends to be upset.

"Uh huh... what are you making anyway?" You ask.

To Catch a Dream ~◇ Rui KamishiroWhere stories live. Discover now