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Rui x gn! Reader

◇OOC Rui I think
◇You and Rui are dating lol

◇OOC Rui I think◇You and Rui are dating lol

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Recently, you and Rui had an argument. It's been happening a lot recently, arguments between the two of you, although usually you make up almost immediately.

This particular argument ended on a bad note. You began to talk to him about sleeping more as he keeps snapping at you and falling asleep at his desk during school. You tried your best to convince him that he needs to sleep and/or spend more time with you; his work-life balance being uneven. However, this didn't go very well and it seemed to be a moment where he snapped at you due to overworking.

He yelled at you. Told you that he doesn't need your help. You'd argue back but when Rui yells it's terrifying. He doesn't exactly yell though, rather he raises his voice keeping a smooth but angered tone. Either way it scares you. When you attempted to argue back he didn't seem happy.

"Fine! I don't need you anyway, I'd be better off without you." He snarled at you. He was too much in a fit of rage to notice what he did. So you left the room and stayed on the couch since you shared an apartment.

A few days go by. He looks more tired. He avoids you. He remains silent not making an effort to talk to you. He refuses to eat any of the dinner you make for him nor does he leave his work shop to make any.

You just finished talking with your friends on a discord call, the room silent and still till you switch the TV on.

Now you sit alone on the couch watching your comfort show. You miss him. You can't help but feel you've done something wrong due to the fact these arguments are becoming consistent and he's avoided you for this long. You know he means no harm and he's just stressed but it's clearly getting out of hand.

You sigh.

It's time to confront him about it.

Maybe even apologize just for the sake of it.

You decide to go see Rui, maybe you can fix things. You knock on the bedroom door till you hear a signal for you to enter.


"Whatever it is make it quick I'm busy right now." He says coldly. You stayed silent for quite a few minutes. Why is he being so... Horrible? This isn't the Rui you love.

"So? Is that all you came in to do? Stand there? Please y/n, don't interrupt me if you aren’t going to say anything." He didn't intend for his words to come out so harshly, and yet they did.

A sudden wave a sadness hit you, it became difficult to hold back tears but you some how managed. "I'm sorry Rui...i don't want you to be mad at me anymore. I want to fix things..."

He physically stops before spinning around in his chair, a shocked expression painted on his face, the face of regret. He realised how much he hurt you. He now realises the mistake he made by avoiding you.

To Catch a Dream ~◇ Rui KamishiroWhere stories live. Discover now