We are able to finish both movies before all the girls come back into the room with Papa and Aether. "Woohoo! It's a party now!" I say lifting my arm up. Sodo had left halfway through 'Terrifier' and brought us all beers. I wasn't drunk just hungry. "You good?" Aether asks, eyeing the drink in my hand. "Yup, just hungry. Gimme gimme." I used grabby hands leaning forward to grab my food, I was still trapped between two boys. Sunshine smiles as she hands me my food. Rain gets up to grab his food being followed by Mountain and Sodo. "Movie night." I say pointing to everyone. "We haven't had a proper one since I joined. So, everyone find your seats, and someone pick a movie." I say getting up and scrambling off the foot of my bed to grab another beer. "Hey, you're too young." A voice says, taking it from me. "I'm an adult Aether." I say trying to grab it back but he puts it above his head. "Your 19, the law here is 21 dear." He says handing it to Sodo, who's behind him. "You've already had one babe." Sodo says stepping around us with his food and my stolen drink stealing Mountains place on my bed. "Please?" I lean to the side looking at Papa. "21 cara mia ragazza." He says taking a bite. "Y'all are unfair." I pout plopping back into my bed. "You let me drink is Sweden." I say looking up to Sodo. "Private home. Different country. Trusted older adult." He defends himself taking the cap off with a smug grin.

When everyone takes there seats Rain and Sunshine are on her bed, with Cumulus and Cirrus at the foot. Papa took a seat in the arm chair in the other cornee moving it to be able to see the TV. Aether took the rolly chair by desk and Mountain has the couch to himself, Sodo and I sit on my bed. Everyone is eating while we watch 'Avatar 2'.

By the end everyone but Papa Sodo and I were asleep. Everyone but Aether looked rather comfortable. Papa seemed to notice this and shook his chair a little to wake him up. "Come on Aether. Chairs are not comfortable to sleep in." He says and Aether just grumbles slowly standing up to stretch. "You gonna stay here Sodo?" Papa's asks and he nods once. "Alright. Don't let him miss behave Ragazzino." He points to me, making me giggle, telling him "Will do." When they leave the credits are about halfway over, and we decided to go smoke in a different room so we Don't get the others high.

We are now sitting on Sodo's bed, a blunt between and fingers while Sodo goes through his music playlist. "Iron Maiden, Slipknot, Korn, or something else?" He asks and I smile. "Put it on shuffle." I tell him, releasing the smoke from my full lunges. He nods and takes the blunt from my hands as 'Careless Whisper' by Seether can be heard playing from the speaker behind me. "Good thing there's no one down this hall but us." I giggle. "Don't get your hopes up, there may be someone below us." He grins and I huff out a laugh smiling at him.

We sit there for what feels like hours talking about anything and everything. When we noticed the sun peering through the curtains, we groan and I plop down onto one of his pillows.  "We got an hour to be up." He says looking down at me with a smile. His eyes are extremely blood shot. I roll over and flip him off. "Wake me in an hour then." I grumble closing my eyes.

He immediately shakes me and I groan snuggling deeper into the blankets. "I said an hour Sodo." I growl and it's not his voice who answers. "We gave you an hour and a half babe." Cirrus giggles and I softly push her away from the bed and roll out of it. My body hit the ground with a loud thud and two more voices can be heard laughing alone with hers. Both male. "Up Vesta. We got coffee." Swiss says coming over to lift me off the ground. Instead of standing though, I go full dead weight and he almost drops me. Petty, hitting the ground feels kinda nice. "Come on babe. Get up." Sodo's voice rings in my ear and he takes me from Swiss' hold from my under arms and lays me on the soft bed.

'Hello, friend.'

I smile and roll into my stomach smelling Sodo on the blankets under me. "Vetsa, we got breakfast for you." Cirrus chimes. This time I groan, finally opening my eyes. Three smiling faces beem down at me and flip them all off. I sit up and look around, "I'm taking one ur shirts." I tell Sodo, I wasn't looking at him or even facing him. I got up and headed to his suitcase opening it. "Fine by me." He says, and I can hear him sitting back down into the bed.

I saunter to the bathroom and change into his shirt and pair of sweats I also decided to "borrow". When I'm done with all my business in there. Only Swiss and Aether are sitting in the room. Aether has a white styrofoam to-go box and I tiredly take it from and sit next to him opening it. Inside are hash browns, eggs, and pancakes.

We were all quiet as we ate.


I apologize for not updating as much as if like to. Life hit and I'm in the middle of a big move.

I'm trying to find time and inspiration to write the two books I have out.

I have two more that will be out soon that I am also working on.

(Words 1727)

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