(I'm adding a couple songs, and using the Impera albam)

The certain falls and I feel like I'm home. Truly home. For the first time in forever, I feel true joy. I'll know how to play and everything will be fucking perfect.

We start the first song Kalsarion and I dont mess up once, we all stay in our spots for the whole song. When we play the ending cords Sodo highfives me. I can see him smiling under his mouth cover. Papa is at the front of the stage and starts talking to the crowd. "Hello England!!!" Everyone cheers and screams. "Are we having a good night tonight!?" He says rasing his arms up and the crowd goes crazy. "I'm glas to hear that!!" he says and a girl in the fron frow screams something. "what!?" he says and bends down to hear her better. "OH!! Yes we do!!" He says standing up. "This nice young girl in thr front notice someting different! Do you see it!?" Papa says and some of the crowd screams. Mostly the front. and those on the upper leaves. "For those of you who are lost. I'll tell you!" He says. More screamimg. "We have a new ghoulette! Come here tiny one!!" He says holding his arm out to me and I look back at Sodo and he holds his arm up to show the crowd as well. I walk up to Papa and he says "Why dont you give them a bow!" He says into the mic and I do as I'm told. I bow very over dramaticly on perpose and the crowd loves it. "Oh! Is the queen here!?" Papa says looking around the crowd. "That was very dramatic!" He says and I turn my head and do that arm thing holding it up slightly and pull it down fast as I walk back to Sodo. "Give it up for Vesta!!" He says and the crowd scream and I bow again standing next to Sodo. Less dramatic this time. He talks to the crowd for a little bit more then we begin Spillways. Sodo jumps off the stand we are on and him and Aether meet in the middle of the stage. When Papa sings "All your faith all your rage all your pain it ain't over now." And they play guitars onfront of each other. Swiss and I follow shortly behind them. We all play in a circle. Rain comes up behind me and somehow I get trapped in the middle of all of them. I smile and push through Aether and Sodo putting one hand on each of there shoulders slightly pushing there shoulders to give me a way threw and continue playing. We all wakl around ad mess with each other till the next song. We begin to play 'Rats' and Sodo and I starts softly foot stomping back in our spots. Sodo goes up to Aether and they play togeather. I go up to Swiss and we start dancing together. He does his shimmy for me and I giggle softly moving away. I move back to our spit and play for the crowd bending down and stick my tongue out slightly biting it a guy on the front row reaches for me and I smile sticking my tongue our further opening my mouth more. I stand back up and am met with a chest up against my back. I look up and see Sodo. He puts his head on my shoulder and his mask is pulled down reveiling black face paint under it. He sticks his tongue out at the crowd and then turn hsi head slightly and pretends to lick my face. The people infront of us goes crazy and he turns around and walks away to stand behind Papa as I turn aroudn to face him. He scares Papa and is shooed off, I laugh a little. As we start 'Call ME Little Sunshine' I go to stand infront of the girls. Cirrus takes her mic off the stand sits down on it and sings. We smile at each other, she bends closer to me and we sing vocals togeather. All the boys turn to us and stair. She smiles and puts her hand on my head as she stands up using me to help her stand. I turn around and go back to my spot were Sodo is. He leans into me and whispers "Why didn't you tell us you could sing?" He asks somewhat intreaged. "Cause I can't." I say and walk away. Aether comes up to me and nuges my shoulder with his. We play togeather until the song ends. Just before we start 'Hunter's Moon' Sodo throws a pick at Aether and he puts his hands up and walk away, I laugh and go up to Papa. He sings for me as I play. He grabs my hand his pretends to kiss it before turnning back to the crowd. I go to a spot right infront of Sodo's and I's spot and crouch down to the crowd. They reach out to me and I reach back and I can see a couple girls crying. I reah as far as I can and a girls finure tips and mine touch for a second before I pull back. I go to Rain and we play together and bounce to he music. He smiles at me and I smile back. He gives me a thumbs up before going to Swiss. I smile and stay in the spot till the song ends. Wather in the sky plays and I walk over to the edge of the stage while Swiss distracts Papa. I lean down to a camera and play. Out of all of the songs my brother likes 'Hunter's Moon' the best. So I play for him. Something is thrown past me and to the middle of the stage. I look behind me and see a banana stuffed toy and run to pick it up. Aether shows up a second later and snatches it from my hands hugging it. Sodo grabs it from bahind him and runs off with it. Aether follows him and I laugh. They play cat and mouse until Swiss comes up and takes the Banana and puts in Aethers collor. Sodo puts his hand in the air as to say 'what the fuck' I laugh go to my spot. Sodo comes up behind me and reaches one arm over me to grab the neck of my guitar. "Strum." Is all he says softly into my ear before I take my hand away. He plays his part and he both bob our heads to the song. I move my hand back to to be able to play my part and he steps back. The next song is 'Watcher In The Sky' we play the song and just pick on one anther through out the whole things. Poor Aether gets picks thrown at him and so do I. I take the pick in my hand a huck it at Sodo the first time he throws one at me. I have to quickly go get another. This happens twice before a crew member just hands me a few and I put them in my bra keeping one out to play. I get left alone for the rest of the song, Papa starts talking to the crowd and as I walk to the center stage Sodo throws a pick at Swiss and he dodges it making it hit me. They both look at me. I tilt my head, and Swiss backs up I throw the pick I was jsut given at both of them as hard as I can. Swiss goes to hide behind Sodo. They both run off to hide behind Papa. I stop after them pretending to be mad. Papa looks at the two boys confused. "Wha-What is going on?" He asks looking to me. I point to the boys and he steps away as I get closer. They look at Papa like he's just betrade them and stnd slightly crouched over Swiss is once again behinf Sodo. It's kinda funny to see as Swiss is taller and more built then Sodo. I walk up to them and smack sodo on the side of the head softly and flip them off before walking back to my spot. "Well then." Papa says turning to the crowd. "We like are new little fire ghoulette yet!?" He says and the crowd screams. "Good, because we like her too!" he says. Sodo comes to joint me in our spot and stops at the bottom of the step and puts his hands up to show he means no harm. I turn to the front and grab a pick out of my bra. I regret puting them there, Its really hard to get to. I don't have them taped to my guitar like Sodo so what the fuck ever. I look at a camera thats close to us and just stair. I smile slightly knowing my brother and Heather are watching. Sodo puts his hand on my shoulder and I look up at him. The camera moves away and I lean back to whisper. "My brother is watching, so is Heather." I say and he tilts his head softly. I can see him smiling from under his face mask. He listen to Papa talk to the crowd for a while, and stand in our spots Sodo puts hand gently on my waist and he moves me next to him to get ready for the next song.

Bite me (Sodoxoc) PAUSEDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant