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Quick thing. I will try to write atleast 3,000 words on each chapter. My goal is usualy 5,000 so I will do my best.


I'm sitting at the kitchen counter in a barstool drinking coffee when Matt walks into the kitchen. "Whats up Matty." I say taking a sip out of the mug. He ruffles my hair as he walks past me to go to the other side of the counter and picks up an apple out of the fruit bowl next to the wall. "You're late for school." He says taking a bite and snatching my mug from my hands. "Only an hour. I don't need to be there till 3rd." I say reaching for my mug aross the counter. "You know moms and pops wont be to happy when they find out your skipping classes." He says taking a sip out of my mug. "Or be happy you have spiked coffee. God damn girl, how much vodka is in this?" He says making a face. "I didn't use water to make it. That's all im gonna say." I growl now basicly standing on one of the leg bars to reach over the counter for my mug. He holds is farther out his arm fully extended. "Go get dressed, im taking you to school Jaxxy." He says turning around pouring my coffe down the sink. The stool slips out from under mew and i hit my face on the edge of the counter and land on my back. I groun holing my cheek as Matty picks me upp off the ground. "You need to be more carefull sis." He says pulling me to my feet. I don't respond and just walk passed him.

When I leave my room I bump into someone. "What the fuck!" a familier voice says. I look up to see who it is cause litteraly everyone is taller then me. I have'nt grown since 6th grade so I'm pretty short. I see the tanned blue eyed blond haired bitch named Lily, "Watch were your going Kate." She says putting her hand on her hip. "You know your not in highschool anymore, drop the bitch cheerleader act. Matty dropped his jockness." I grumble walking past her. I feel a hand on my wrist and am pulled back, stepping off the wall I hit I look into her eyes with rage. If looks could kill we would both be 6 feet under by now. "You know mom and dad hate you cause of how you dress right." I says smirking like that could hurt me. "Actualy they hate me becuase if my personality. My clothes just add on to the fact, it's a bonus factor." I say walking passed her again and down the stairs. When I reach the drive way Matty is sitting in his car waiting for me. I slam his door closed and look out the window my bag at my feet. "You really that mad I drained your coffodka." He says pulling out of the driveway. "Why didn't you tell me the wicked bitch of the east was in town." I growl still looking out the window. "I didn't think you would bump into her yet." He says stopping at a stop light. "And wouldnt she be the witch of the west? didn't the east one has a house dropped on her?" He asks handing his phone to me it already on spotify and hooked up to his car. I turn on the song 'Hells With Me' by Poor Mans Poison. I know a change from my normal stuff. I play this for Matty though, we both like the song. We have a mutal repsect for each others music so play mutal music both enjoy when listing to muisc together. "Not yet she hasn't I say." Slightly smiling to the song. "So would you be Dorthy?" He asks chuckling. "I'd be the whole god damn tornado, house, Dorthy, and Todo." I say and he just shakes his head. He stops in the front of the school and we both get out. "Gonna follow me to my classes too?" I say hoisting my bag into my shoulder. "Yep, Princible Fords doesnt mind me in the scool, as long I don't disturb any of the classes." I start to walk to the library and he follows. "Where we goin? what class?" He asks basicly skipping by me. "Library." I say and he just follows. "Don't you have math for second?" he asks "Don't wanna disturb any classes. So library." I say and I hear him grumble beside me. When we walk in the librarian looks up and smiles. She's a sweat older lady doesnt mind me hiding in here all day. "Making sure little sis there gets to her classes." He says pointing to me as I am walking to the back. I can't hear them anymore as I sit in my corner. Taking a book I brough from home I read over the notes im trying to memorise. I play the 'Mummy Dust' on replay as I read and listen. This helps me listen to how its supossed to sound as well as the notes I have to play. The sheet music is for guitar not bass this time. Matt plops down next to me and plays on his phone until the bell for third rings. He walks me to Mr.Harls class and sits next to me as i do todays assignment. Mr.Harl doesn't mind him in here as long as he doesn't say anything. When I'm finished I head to the back room to play with clay. When I hear my phone ding I look at the message I got. It's a reminder of unread emails. I smile opening the email that says the tickets would be at my house on friday. and the digital tickets I got are now in my email. I save them and close my phone smiling. "What you happy about? I don't think I've seen you smile in years." He says sitting next to me putting clay infront od me and him. "I got tickets to a consert." I say and wet my hands as I start kneeding the clay. "Uh oh. Dad know?" He asks. I shake my head. "What band?" "Ghost." "That one band you are obsessed with?" I look at him with a face that says 'ready?' "I am not that obbsessed with them." I say putting my sleeves up more so I don't get clay on them. My brother takes my arm and looks at it. "Why do you have these?" he asks. In my left arm I have a tatto of a snake wrapped around my wrist with it's head on the part of my wrist that connects to my hand, its face looking at my middle finger. on the side of my forearm I have a lightling bold and on my under part of my forearm I have an unside down tree with lightning comoing out of the top. On my right arm i have a rat skull with the siloette of a rat head behind the skull and in tiny letter "THEM RATS" goes along the neck. I also have a black widdow spider on my collar bone a moth on my left side calf, and bats on my left side of my thigh, In my right leg i have an upsidedown snail above my knee. I did all but the spider myself, that I got profesinlay done on my 18th birthday. "I like them. They make me feel pretty, just like my gauges do." He shakes his head and smiles.

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