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Hayley's POV

"Wow, I can't believe how far we've hiked along the river!" I say happily as we walk a trail next to the blue waterway next to us. The air quality is excellent today, and I feel entirely grateful to have the golden sun shining down upon my face.

"Look at you all excited," Yoongi jokes. 

I glance back at him and then toward the river taking in the view of the city on the other side. It's been months since that scary day when I blacked out on the floor, and then Yoongi confessed his love for me. I'm a much stronger person today.

Yoongi comes up and stands next to me as we look out at the water together. "You know, I haven't really said it before, but I'm so proud of how far you've come."

Since Yoongi and I got back together, I've taken a real active approach to my own care. I decided to go back on my medications which I have found helpful. I talk to a therapist twice a month, and I've made working on my overall well-being an active part of my routine. Yoongi and I go for long walks like this together as often as we can, and even when he's not around, I make sure I get outside a couple of times a week now and ensure I walk and ground myself in nature.

"I couldn't have done this without you," I reply with a sigh as I lean my head on his shoulder for a moment.

"Except I didn't do anything except love you. You've done all of this work yourself, Hayley. You're strong and capable this entire time -more than I think you even realize."

"Stop," I say as I blush.

"No, I won't, not until the day you realize how incredible you are. You are the one that set up therapy. You're the one who learned how to talk to me when we face challenges. You're the one who started exercising to help your mental health and set up our walks. You're the one that stopped our convenience store dinners and made sure we started eating healthier to help both of us. Not for one moment was that me. You initiated all these changes; you are doing all this amazing work! I was just there to hold your hand."

"I like it when you hold my hand," I blush, feeling warm from his praise. I've never in my life been so incredibly in love, and I feel grateful we ended up working out our issues. This man has been nothing but supportive along my journey, and that's more than I could have ever asked for in any relationship.

Glancing around to ensure nobody is around, I find the coast clear and wrap my arms around his neck, my fingers tangling into the hair. "I love you, Min Yoongi."

"I love you, Rameyon Girl," he smiles softly before leaning down and placing his lips softly against mine.



Thank you for reading this short story. To Hayley and the rest of my readers, I hope you remember that even in our darkest times of despair, we are stronger and more capable than we can imagine or recognize in ourselves, even when it feels impossible. I hope you will always keep going, keep pushing forward, and don't be afraid to look for the helping hands when you need them! Be well, Nora 💖

Stay Alive | MYG ✅जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें