Chapter Two

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After an entire day of relaxing, I can't stop thinking about Yoongi. 

Why is a man with that much money trying to buy rameyon two nights in a row at a fucking convenience store? 

It feels surreal, but then again, why am I trying to hold him to a higher standard than everyone else just because he earns more money than me? I can't stop wrestling with my thoughts. I regret getting so excited that I got nervous and practically ran away from him, but my body and mind were not cooperating, just running on instinct instead of reason.

For a cat person, I sure as hell was giving off excited chihuahua energy!

Pacing around my apartment, I know what I'm trying to keep myself from doing, but I can't help myself. I check myself in the mirror and run a brush through my hair; the pink and purple hair dye is starting to fade, and I wonder what colors I'll choose next. Brushing my hand over my shirt, I grab my wallet and head to the door. I'm on a mission to see if he shows up again tonight. I need to make up for acting so spastic last night.

I walk into the 7-11 and wander the aisles, but Yoongi isn't anywhere to be seen, and I feel foolish that I came down here expecting he could possibly be waiting for me.

It was all a coincidence. I'm a fool!

Finally, accepting the fact that I won't be running into him this evening, I purchase a drink, mix it with ice, and head out the door after I've made my purchase. Swirling the concoction, I turn down the alley to head back home when I hear a noise.

Stopping in my tracks, I pause in place, ensuring I don't jiggle my cup.


The tiniest meows, catch my ear, and I crouch down to find a tiny black kitten that looks like it is starving. "Oh, Lil baby. Are you okay?"

The kitten stops in its place, staring at me. It broke my heart when I left Australia, and I had to say goodbye to my old roommate's cats. I loved them as if they were my own, and seeing this little starving baby is breaking my heart all over again!

"Do you need some food? Do you want to come to me?" I ask as I sit down on the ground, trying not to scare it away. "Come here, Lil baby. I can help you..." I say quietly while I try and lure this adorable kitten from beside a trash receptacle.

The kitten begins to come forward but suddenly moves backward and hides part of its body behind a box.

"Ramyeon Girl, what are you doing sitting in this alleyway all by yourself?" a voice whispers near my ear, and when I turn, I find Yoongi crouched next to me with a curious eyebrow cocked.

"Look, there is a black kitten, and I want to help it. It's starving!" I whisper back desperately.

Yoongi is in the same black beanie and a face mask from yesterday. I watch as his eyebrow relaxes and his eyes soften. "I can help you. Hang on, I'll be right back," he says quietly as he slowly stands and then calmly walks into the store.

My heart is pounding, but I can't let my emotions get the best of me when this kitten needs me.

"Mew, meeewww," the little kitten cries, and it's as if it is asking me for help.

A few moments later, Yoongi returns with a green foil package in his hand. He approaches slowly and intentionally as he crouches down next to me.

"Tuna," he says quietly. "Give that a try."

The black kitten looks at me cautiously as I slowly open the foil packet, ripping it open lengthwise so that it opens the entire package revealing the contents hidden inside. Placing the package on the ground in front of me, I watch the kitten's matted tail swing up into the air. Its adorable tiny nose catches a whiff of the tuna scent as its whiskers move in all directions.

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