Just like that...

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"I am so proud of you, Y/n. Look at how much you have grown and the way you shine since Hailee entered your life." Florence tucks your hair behind your ear, smiling proudly at you.

"I can tell I am proud of myself too. I'm thankful for Hailee and that she always tickles the best out of me." You state, blushing in the memory of when you tickled Hailee. "I love her." You whisper, not sure if Flo even heard you or not.

"You do. You really do and I'm so happy you do. I hope you always do love her and I am your first shipper." Your Bestie tells.

"I love you Flo. I guess without you and of course those other two incredible monkeys, I wouldn't have made it until here, today with Hailee and with you. I would probably still be taking those stuffs if I wasn't dea-"

"Do not say that Y/n! You're here, you're fine, you're with people who care for you and have nothing but love for you. You're alive and you're healthy plus that you're so in love and happy." Florence cuts your upcoming negative talk off quickly.

"I am alive, I am happy and yes, I am in love. I am so deeply in love that I even did not propose to her already. Oh my god! Flo!" You jump off the bed. "I did not propose for her to be my girlfriend like officially!" You walk up and down the room. "I wanted to wait for that one moment, you know? I didn't ask her if she wants to be my girlfriend!" You can't come down.

Until you bump into Flo's body. She stands firm and stops your walking. Her hands holding your shoulders tightly.

"Relax. Relax the fuck sweetheart. It's nearly 4am already now and you act like your ship is going down just like the titanic. I tell you to relax, okay?" Florence makes sure you won't start to walk up and down again, before letting go off your shoulders.

"You'll get your 'that one moment' whenever the time has come again." She keeps calming you down.

"Plus that literally everyone already knows that you guys are a thing." Flo winks.

You finally breath normally again.

"And lord knows, it doesn't matter if you already proposed or not. It doesn't matter when you're going to ask her. Just make sure you feel like doing it, make sure the time is ripe and then just go with the flow." Flo pulls you into a quick hug.

"Thank you a lot hunbun." You say and mean it. Not to draw out what you would have done tonight if Florence wasn't there with you and handled you.

"Always, sweetheart. And now change your clothes and lets head to bed!" Flo exclaims, jumping into the bed already. You make it quick to get changed and can't wait to close your eyes, seeing Haiz' beautiful being in front of you in your dreams.


9am you manage to open your eyes a bit. Only a bit, because damn the sun has such a power already. Wait. Already? It's 9am, of course the sun is up and upper. It's 9am? IT'S 9AM!

You jump out of the bed, not caring to awake your Bestie and rush to get finished, taking a shower, dressing in some comfy clothes and have a quick coffee this late morning.

It's not that you got any plans for today, so you could just start into some relaxed day.

But here goes nothing. You can't settle down already, also when things with Hailee are amazing currently. You won't rest yet.

"Y/n, you're respectless." Florence joins you in the kitchen. You slide a cup of coffee over to her in apology.

"Sorry, sorry!" You rush around the counter and leave a lovely kiss on Flo's cheek.

"You got plans for today, I guess?" She asks, analyzing the hurry you seem to be in.

"Not concretely. But there's things I could still do, without having a plan!" You beam a smile as you walk back around to where you stood before.

"Okay, whatever." Your Bestie rasps in her typical morning vibe.

"Just let me know where you are and if I need to get my lawyer to get you out of jail, okay?" She then states, sitting down.

You chuckle. "I'll let you know."

"I'll go and get Haiz and right after that we'll go visit my mom." You tell Flo.

"Oh, hold on." Florence stands up again and walks towards you. "You sure about that?" She asks surprised.

"I can do that. Haiz is with me and don't feel unloaded to join us if you want." You shrugg your shoulders, sipping on your coffee cup.

"I have work to do today, but promise me to text and or call me whenever there's the need to and whenever things get heavy. Oh and make sure that Hailee does take good care of you, otherwise I'll beat her cute ass up!" Flo exclaims as you already get ready to leave.

"Wow, wow, wow. What a threat Pugh!" You laugh at the way your Bestie suddenly goes defensive over you, which she actually never really did, except for jokes.

Still she is a very good, the best, best friend you can ever have.

"I mean it. Hailee can be Hailee Steinfeld or not, I'll beat her ass if you're coming back hurting." Florence clarifies that she didn't mean her threat as a joke. You swallow.

Today could definitely hurt you, because you're going back to your mother's place the first time since at least three years. The place of all those memories with your sister and... the pain that came with her death.

You inhale. "Haiz wouldn't hurt me and even if I'm hurting today, it won't be her fault and you know that." You state, exhaling.

Florence comes over to where you stand and doesn't hesitate to hug you tight.

"I know, I know. It's just... when you pushed her away I'm sure you had reasons and let me guess one of them was that you didn't want her to deal with your issues and what if she couldn't handle them." She says in a low voice, rubbing your back.

"You don't need to guess it. That's it, Flo." You admit your reasons you pushed Hailee away.

"I'm sure she can and will take good care of you sweetheart. But tell her that I told you that she can also text and call me whenever she needs a second hand whenever it comes to you." Florence softly ends the hug, still holing you close.

"I will tell her. Thank you. Love you!" You leave another kiss on Flo's cheek before rushing out the house, making your way to Hailee's place.

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