Motherheart ...

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"There we are." Hailee unlocks the seat belt and runs around your car to open your door, just the way you also always did for her. A smile grows on your face.

"Thank you, beautiful." You say, leaving a quick kiss on her cheek.

This moment feels like nothing ever happened earlier.

"My pleasure." Hailee smiles as she blushes. You still got an effect on her.

"Would you mind coming with me?" You ask her to stay a while at your place. Hailee seems to seriously be thinking about it.

"Y/n!" Suddenly another voice rips her out of her thoughts and you out of your hope.

You spin around fast. "Mom!" Your voice is as enormous as hers. "Stop shouting over the whole place." You grumble as she holds you tight in her arms.

As well as she pulled you into the hug very quickly she also cuts it off quickly and punches your arm a little hard.


"Don't you ever leave without telling me where to ever again, Y/n!" And there her madness goes again. She doesn't even use her lovely nicknames on you no more.

"Mom, look, I'm really sorry. I know I should've left at least a message that I'm ok and I just need time for me." You tell her, knowing that an simple apology wouldn't fix the panic your mother might was having.

"She tried to reach you, but her battery died." Hailee lies, saving your ass. Again.

"Uh- no it's-"

"Ah, that's typical of her. Let me guess, she didn't even bring a charger, right?" Your mom cuts you off, buying the lie.

Your face goes 'Whaaaat?!', never expecting your mom to accept Hailee's excuse.

There your motherheart goes, buying every other lie, except for yours. Unbelievable.

"Yes, yes she couldn't recharge until we found mine." Hailee giggles, caressing your shoulder in a loving way.

'Yeah yeah, don't give me the little girl treat.' you pout in thoughts.

"So anyway. What brought you here? Except for that you wanted to see me, mom." You give her a smile, walking into the house.

They both follow you, even though you never expected Hailee to decide to stay with you for another while, after she was abruptly wanting to leave quickly.

"I have good news for you, darling." Your mother opens up, not seeing her face in your back, but you can tell that she has got a big smile on her face.

"Ooh, big good news!" You make your way upstairs even faster.

As soon as you all enter your apartment, you turn to face your mom.

"What's the good news?" You ask excited.

Hailee also got expecting eyes on your mother, plus a light smile.

"Sooo... I'll make this quick." Your mother starts telling, but doesn't really seem to make it 'quick'.

"Oh my god mooom!" You roll your eyes at her and walk up her direction.

"Okay okay!" She lifts her hands in defense. "There's a next job for you, darling." Her grin grows.

"Great!" You're happy that your business seems to keep going even after Hawkeye.

"Oh congratulations, Y/n/n!" Hailee puts her fists together in front of her face, jumping up like a little kid.

"What's the job?" You ask away, still excited for the details.

"Well, Jonathan kept the big details from me, but..." Your mom's facial expression turns nervous.

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