fun with the boys

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Kiara was impatiently waiting for the boys to come while tapping her heels on the marble floor(a trait she inherited from her Mae) she was all ready in her favourite white dress and her look was quite contrary to the one in the morning...

Kiara was impatiently waiting for the boys to come while tapping her heels on the marble floor(a trait she inherited from her Mae) she was all ready in her favourite white dress and her look was quite contrary to the one in the morning

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Her look

Shortly the F4 arrived...Kavin and MJ were looking excited whereas ren was calm yet there was a tornado going on in his mind and thyme had his"forever grumpy" face...

Kiara waved at them and as soon as the boys saw her they were in complete awe...MJ and Kavin's mouth were hung open whereas ren was admiring her secretly muttering a "beautiful" which went unheard by the other three whereas thyme didn't even spare a glance....

Kavin and MJ sat together whereas ren sat on the solo chair and the only place left for thyme was beside Kiara and he was forced to sit there..

Kiara: hey

Kavin: hi nice meeting you again...and umm.. about the afternoon

Kiara: let's not talk about that.. let bygones be bygones

MJ: exactly

Kavin: umm so

Kiara:chan ru phas a thiy(I know thai)

MJ and kavin: shiaaaa

Ren was starting to doubt her as it was not common for Koreans to know How to speak thai... while thyme was busy with his phone 📱

Kavin: but how? you're not a thai right

Kiara:haha umm actually my bff is thai... so she taught me thai

Kavin: oh okay

Kiara: so let's order??

MJ: ofcourse M'lady

Kiara: oh p'MJ comeon... excuse me waiter??

Waiter:ma'am what would you like to have tea coffee or me 😏?

Kiara scoffed whereas MJ and Kavin gave a disgusted look to him... ren was busy sketching

Kiara: oops sorry..I got high standards darling😏

Waiter: wait haven't I seen you at some place before?

Kiara: yeah that's why I don't go there anymore

Kavin and MJ couldn't stop laughing and ren was quite amazed by the savage reply she just gave whereas thyme was slightly smirking at her reply...

The waiter was utterly embarrassed and he started taking their order..

Kiara: one Tom yum goong,guay teow,yam talay,laab,pad phuk tong, som tum,khao pad,yam nua and in desert kanam krok( coconut pancakes) and yeah one cha yen (thai milk tea)

Kavin: hey MJ she is ordering too much will we all able to finish it

MJ: yeah I guess but she's too generous... she is ordering for us too

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