I'm so happy

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Kiara was just remembering all those fights and memories of F4 just when her maid/friend yuna came in who was the same age as Kiara..

Yuna: Kiara  Roselyn ma'am is waiting for you downstairs.

Kiara: what the heck yunaahhh.. why didn't you tell me!!!!holy fucking shit..I'm looking like a homeless person

Yuna: firstly she came just now and you have 5 minutes and no chance you can look like a homeless person because you have a home!!!

Kiara:not in a mood for jokes yuna and btw that was lame and here I gooooooo!!!

Telling this she rushed to the washroom and changed into her navy blue Pyjamas... tied her messy hair into a bun and wore her expensive pearl earrings which Tia had gifted her on her 17th birthday which was last year.. she hurriedly went downstairs to find her mother tapping her heels on the floor impatiently..

 she hurriedly went downstairs to find her mother tapping her heels on the floor impatiently

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She quitely went to her and greeted her..

Kiara: sawadee mae

Roselyn:Kiara I've taken a decision for you

Great..I mean just wow.. this woman who's her mother is meeting her daughter after a fucking year and all she has to say is I've taken a decision for you..no love you..no miss you!!! sometimes she feels if she really is her daughter or not?

Kiara nodded..no matter how big of a tornado is going on in her mind she would show up strong and unaffected which is called "elegance" by her so called mother....

Roselyn:you are going back to Thailand..that too day after tomorrow

The world stopped around Kiara.. what in the world!!!! Her own mother who was so much against her going back to Thailand was telling her that she is going back..did she really feel sympathetic towards her.. is she guilty for tricking her into living in Seoul for 10 years??

Roselyn:for your kind information I'm moving to phase two and there are going to be drastic changes in the company and the thing we need the most right now is publicity and it's the perfect moment to introduce you to the world

Great!!! Perfect.. what a fool she was to think that Roselyn paramaanantra.. the great buisness women felt sorry for what she did to her regardless that she is her own daughter.. someone's life is just a game of chess for her and her own children are nothing but pawns to her..

She sighed and nodded killing out her excitement for going back to Thailand..

Kiara:chai mae (Yes mother)

Roselyn:pack your bags as soon as possible as you will be boarding your flight day after tomorrow and one more thing..I have admitted you to kocher high school and you'll be studying with thyme and I've talked to your principal.. collect your T.C tomorrow

Kiara nodded and Roselyn left as she had to head to Singapore by tonight's flight..

She went to her room and screamed enough to break the whole house

love you till eternity....Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora