Arc 1 Chapter 4: The Second Wedding

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"I'm not!" Dora protested.

Although they'd been newly married, Remus and Dora were still living separately for now. They still had to figure out what to do with Ellie, since she wasn't sure how to feel about living with only Ted and Andromeda once Dora moved out, nor did she know how to feel about moving in with a newlywed couple.

Ellie, her hands curled into fists and held firmly at her sides, took a deep breath and dipped a single, sandalled toe into the fire.

"Oh, for goodness' sake!" cried Dora, shoving Ellie straight into the fireplace.

Ellie yelped, and ghost-Ellie covered her eyes, but sure enough, she was fine. She inhaled a lot of smoke, however, and was sent into a coughing frenzy.

"Let your lungs clear out before you say the words," warned Andromeda. "Tuck yourself in a bit."

Ellie, still not very pleased at having been pushed into the fire, glared at Dora. Then opened her mouth and said loudly and clearly, "The Burrow!"

She braced for impact, but she hadn't for the life of her anticipated the feeling of being flushed down a toilet. It was as though the floor had collapsed under her and she was spinning down a pipe or a chimney at incredible speeds.

And finally, she stopped spinning, staggering out of the other side and very nearly falling onto her arse. She frantically surveyed the area, worried she may have lost ghost-Ellie during the process, but the ghost popped into existence a few seconds later, right next to her.

"That all happened so fast I didn't even get to experience it with you!" ghost-Ellie complained.

Ellie felt Ted help her to her feet. "You okay?" he asked amusedly.

Ellie looked up and down at herself and Ted. Both of them were covered head-to-toe in dark soot. Their fancy wedding clothes and all.

"Was this much better than vomiting all over my dress?" Ellie muttered.

Ted laughed and pulled out his wand. "Tergeo."

The soot vanished.

"Wouldn't you have been able to do that with vomit, too?" Ellie asked smartly.

"Yes, but I wouldn't want to, would I? And no spell would be able to get rid of the smell."

"Fair enough."

Dora and Andy had appeared behind her now, getting rid of the soot on their bodies in similar ways.

"To answer your earlier question, you little fart," said Dora, still a little irritably. "Kids can't apparate. And there are some areas where wards are set up against apparition. In those situations, Floo power is needed."

Ellie nodded in acceptance, surveying the area again. It was only until this moment she realised they were standing in the middle of someone's kitchen. On either side of the fireplace stood two identical red-headed boys just about younger than Dora. One of them had his head bandaged.

"Ah, and here come the family of the lesser wedding!" one of them said somewhat jubilantly.

"How does it feel to be shown up, Tonks?" said the bandaged one.

Ellie almost immediately flared up, but she stopped when not only Dora, but ghost-Ellie too, laughed.

"Shut up, you two," Dora said good-naturedly. "How's the ear, George?"

"Fred! George!" exclaimed ghost-Ellie in delight, though they obviously could not hear her.

George, the bandaged one, shrugged. "I dunno how to feel about people not confusing us anymore. It was our oldest, but greatest trick."

The Deathly Hallows - Harry Potter Male Reader InsertOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora