Ep. 11. He Scaped

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Jay lost his balance and almost fell to the ground. It took him a few seconds to regain full control of himself.

"Finally" he said. "I was getting hella bored".

"Jay!" Nya managed to get on her feet despite the injury and jump hugged her boyfriend, almost making him fall.

He hugged her back and kissed her forehead. "I'm happy to have you back" he whispered.

"I'm happier" she answered. Then she noticed something. "Oh First Spinjitzu Master, Jay! Your eye is almost white".

Jay, finally realising that he could barely see with the eye he got shot, looked at his reflection on the window and started freaking out.

Nya covered his eye with her hand. "Now you don't see it. Stop screaming" Jay knew that she was trying to stay calm, but she was internally freaking out too, maybe more than him.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm down. "I just want to go home".

"This is not over yet, guys" Lloyd said. "We don't know where Max is".

"I'm a bit worried about Pixal" Zane spoke. "She should have gotten here already".

"And it's already night" Cole complained.

"We shall praise the pessimism" Kai spoke with sarcasm.

"Turns out that a dude can be hot and a jokester at the same time" Skylor laughed, her comment leaving Kai redder than his gi.

"I'm not a jokester, I'm sarcastic. It's different".

The sound of the Bounty landing next to the cottage saved Kai from the awkward moment.

They all got out of the cottage, Jay holding Nya again, and got inside the Bounty.

Zane ran to the pilot cabin(?) and hugged Pixal from behind.

"Why it took you so long to get here?" He asked.

"I had a little inconvenience, I'll tell you later".

Meanwhile, Jay took Nya to the medical room and laid her on the bed. Then he grabbed the things he needed to properly treat her injury.

"This is officially my worst injury so far" Nya complained.

"I know it hurts but I'm trying to treat it and it doesn't help that I only see with one eye" Jay said.

"Oof, that sucks, sorry Bluebird".

"I guess I'll just have to get used to it" he shrugged.

They heard a knock on the door and the others entered the room.

"Hey sis" Kai said. "Feeling any better?"

"Meh, at least I'm not bleeding anymore" Nya answered.

"I'm so happy to have you back".

"How did Max get you?"Lloyd asked. "You were literally water".

"I- I don't know" Nya answered. "I was just wandering around the ocean with some cute little fishes. Then everything went black. When I woke up I was already on the cave, on that weird chair that stopped me from moving of loosing my form".

"And the mental connections?" Jay questioned.

"I don't even know how I did it" she said. "I just thought about you guys a lot. And I could feel my power being stronger and reaching outside the limits of the Water Element. Then I established connection with Lloyd".

"This is so confusing" Kai complained. "So the villain is our uncle who seeks revenge against our mom for something she couldn't decide. Then kidnaps you to drain your power and controls Jay. We've seen a lot of weird things but this... This is too much".

"We need a break right now" Cole added.

"I don't want to be harsh on you but we can't take a break until Max is behind bars" Lloyd told the others. "He probably can do more than we know and we still have no clue who his master is".

"What we know is that it's like 10 pm and we wanna sleep" Jay said.

"It's actually 8:37" Zane corrected.

"Oh, shut up".

"Guys, I said no breaks, not that you can't sleep, duh" Lloyd said.

"This conversation is getting stupider by every second" Skylor said and rolled her eyes.

Then finally the Bounty landed.

"It's just me or the ride was too short?" Nya asked.

"We're doing a small stop" Kai answered with a smirk.

He left the room and came back a few minutes later.

"There's someone who wants to see you" he told his sister.

Then their parents entered the room.

"Mom! Dad!" Nya shouted and hugged them.

"Nya, my baby girl, we've missed you so much" Maya said.

"I did too, and I'm sorry for being rude to you, mom. I know you were just trying to help".

"It's all in the past now sweety, I'm just so happy to have you back" then she turned to talk to the others. "What happened with my brother?"

"He unfortunately escaped" Zane explained. "The cave was falling down in pieces and he took the opportunity to run away".

"We'll search for him tomorrow" Lloyd said. "Now it's late and it's been a tough day for all of us".

"Then we'll be leaving now" Ray said. "Call us if anything happens".

They all said goodbye and Ray and Maya left. The Bounty started flying again and eventually they reached the Monastery, stopping first by Skylor's apartment to drop her off.

Jay helped Nya get to her room and then went to his. They all eventually fell asleep.


Max was on a dark room talking to someone, the only light being a candle and a faint green that came from somewhere.

"Master, the ninja got their friend before I could drain her powers" he said.

"You know that's not important anymore" his master spoke.

"I know, that was for my personal plan. The power-draining machine got destroyed, along with everything on the cave. I'll have to build a new one for your plan. It'll take a while".

"Take all the time you need but I want his powers drained, I need them".

"I know Master. I'll get to work now".

With that the green light disappeared and Max started working.

Words: 992

The story is finally finished!!!

Took over a year...

I'll start the next one as soon as possible. And, yeah, I had to leave this story on a cliffhanger. Because that's my thing, cliffhangers.

Today was my last day of school and I got motivation.

The next story is already published.

Well bye

Ninja Never Quit (Ninjago story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ