The Beginning of the End (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

What has gotten into you lately? Obi-Wan asked silently, knowing that asking such a thing aloud would only lead to an argument, or Anakin trying to freeze him out again. Perhaps Anakin needed to visit Padmé, she always managed to lift his worst moods. Which reminded him...

'Anakin?' Obi-Wan tried again, 'There is something else I must talk to you about. It's important.'

Finally, Anakin slowed. 'Well?'

Obi-Wan hid a smile, he had him now. 'Follow me.'

To his surprise, Anakin did so, mostly in resigned silence. It was a nice change from the constant arguments, though Obi-Wan still felt his anger simmering beneath the surface.

Obi-Wan led him through the halls, down a staircase and into the old sparring room they had frequented when they were younger and Anakin was still a Padawan.

'Well?' Anakin crossed his arms

Obi-Wan grinned, 'Well what?'

All interest dropped from Anakin's face, 'If this is some half-hearted attempt at an apology–'

'Oh no,' Obi-Wan drew his lightsaber. 'This is practice.'

Anakin raised a brow.

'I figured that the months out in the field without any training, you may have grown rusty,' Obi-Wan taunted lightly. Come on, he begged. Any defiance, any quip, he'd take anything to get Anakin out of this depression.

'I am not rusty.'

Obi-Wan lit his blade, 'No? This should be easy then. Unless you're afraid.'

A hit of a smile played on Anakin's lips and Obi-Wan knew he'd caught his apprentice's attention. Still Anakin resisted, 'Master, this isn't a good time.'

'Is that so?' Obi-Wan seized the opportunity, trying to keep Anakin talking. Maybe he'd finally talk to him about whatever it was that had him lost.

Yet the effort fizzled almost immediately, as Anakin shook his head, clamming up.

'A wager then? Something to fight for?' Obi-Wan tried. He knew he had nothing that Anakin wanted, but the glory that came with beating his former Master had always appealed to Anakin.

Something flickered in Anakin's eyes, 'Like what?'

'A question,' Obi-Wan said, surprising even himself. 'If I win, I get to ask you a question, and you must swear to answer me honestly.'

Anakin frowned, 'Why the wager? You can ask me anything.'

Obi-Wan smiled, 'Where's the fun in that?'

Huffing in surrender, Anakin threw his robe to the side, drawing his blade, 'I can't see you giving this up, so fine. I'll play your game. Yes, if you win you can ask your question and I'll answer it.' Anakin thought for only a second, 'I want the same.'

Interesting, Obi-Wan thought. What question did Anakin want answered? More information about the Council? Or something else. 

Obi-Wan raised his own brow, 'Very well. Are you ready?'

'Are you?' Anakin smiled, the cheeky glint in his eyes like that of when he was younger. Then he struck.

Obi-Wan had always loved training with Anakin. His former Padawan's sure-strikes and powerful lightsaber attacks had been excellent training for his own ability with the blade.

Still, it was always shocking in those first few seconds how truly deadly Anakin could be with his lightsaber. The flurry of attacks came in rapid-fire and with such force Obi-Wan was reminded of Maul's aggressive attacks. Yet, Anakin's swipes and jabs and parries had a strange kind of effortlessness to them that Obi-Wan only ever saw in Dooku.

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