Part 4: A Friend Long Ago

Start from the beginning

(Y/n): "Hey might I ask you something?"

Archer turned his attention to me his gaze held onto mine this question has been puzzling me for the longest time.

(Y/n): "Do you get tired? Are you tired?..."

Archer: "Your going to have to be more specific than that."

(Y/n): "Do you get tired of fighting in this endless loop? This game that never ends this game that no matter the result resets and only people like you and I have to live through it again and again?"

Archer: "........."

(Y/n): "Sorry that was a strange question think nothing of it."

The silence soon returned once again but this time I knew our conversation wasn't over Archer was pondering the question I asked. Archer took a deep breath before a long sigh escaped his mouth.

Archer: "This holy grail war is coming to an end soon so let me be the one to ask you something when the day comes will you-"


-Flashback Over-

(Y/n): "What?!"

Olga: "I said will you hurry it up yet?! Geez your supposed to be the one guiding us yet here you are dosing off"

I looked around me Olga, Mash and Ritsuka all were close I looked to the area surrounding us.... Yeah that's right we're traveling to the singularity I almost forgot.

(Y/n): "Y-yes Im sorry I must've been lost in thought"

We currently are traveling through a cave to get to the singularity it would take longer but it's better to stay in inside rather than outside we're too exposed.

(Y/n): "Let's get moving"

The group agreed and we went back on route with me being in front of everyone not only am I leading them to it but meant being in the front easily allows me to shield everyone from danger

Speaking of shields the girl known as Mash was to my side her lilac hair swayed from the cracks and opening of outside from the cave I don't know much about the girl but I do know that she fought by my side valiantly so she has easily earned my respect

Mash: "Uhm (Y/n) correct?"

(Y/n): "Yes and your name is mash."

Mash: "May I ask something of you?"

(Y/n): "...... Sure proceed"

Mash: "How...? Did I do a good job back when we fought the lancer did I do..."

Mash grew quiet her head lowered down as if she was embarrassed. How peculiar well I did the only thing I could think of.

Mash: "I-I'm uh sorry forget i-"


I placed my right hand over her and patted her head I ruffled her head of hair before chuckling.

(Y/n): "You we're marvelous back there the strength you've shown was a delight."

Mashes once blank slated face changed its tone her mouth quivered into a small smile has her eyes glow as she looks at me.

Mash: "Thank you for the compliments I appreciate them."

(Y/n): "What has caused you to need such words?"

Mash: "Right now I feel inadequate, without an Noble Phantasm I'm useless to everyone"

(Y/n): "Don't fret about that issue you are a lot stronger than you realize even without a Noble phantasm I mean look at you. You are a Demi servant, human with a heroic spirit fused into one you are a wondrous sight to see"

Mash: "Enemies will get stronger and this shield being all I have puts me at a disadvantage I'll be useless."

(Y/n): "I can't offer much words of wisdom but I'll tell you this. A noble phantasm doesn't measure your worth and it doesn't measure if your going to be able to defeat and enemy I mean I hold a noble phantasm yet I've lost countless fights. A shielder like yourself with a great strategy would decimate"

Mash: "Do you truly believe that?"

(Y/n): "Truly I do."

Mash: "Thank you I think I needed to hear that."

It seems like the we have reached our destination the light at the end of the cave finally. As the group continues onward I stop on my tracks it didn't take long for them to notice this.

Ritsuka: "What wrong (Y/n)"

I didn't answer instead I turned around facing the dark shadows of the cave. I prepare myself and hold my hand on my weapon ready to unsheathe and battle.

(Y/n): "I've let you stalk us long enough."

No one responds it's as if I was talking to myself Ritsuka moves to me.

Ritsuka: "Who are you taking to (Y/n)?"

???: "Not even a hello? I'm hurt."

A familiar voice echoes through the cave and soon enough a clap from hands was heard.

???: "You've certainly haven't lost your edge still as sharp as ever."

The voice said amused. Listening closely I could hear footsteps get  closer to me my hands clench the handle of my weapon as I prepare.

(Y/n): "Its time to show yourself Archer!"

I shout my voice rings through the cave

Archer: "I suppose I should since you asked so nicely."

The Archer materialized showing his presence. He wore black tight and sleeveless shirt with silver accents along with black pants. He had faded silver hair with pale yellow eyes and tan skin.

Archer: "How long has it been since we've last talked? Hours, days, weeks months, I've lost track after the tenth time I tried to kill you

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Archer: "How long has it been since we've last talked? Hours, days, weeks months, I've lost track after the tenth time I tried to kill you."

I unsheathed my blade and readied myself this would be a battle and the outcome of it is uncertain.

To be continued

(1395 words)

Like I said I'm going to make a few short chapters for a while so I can get them published faster

Stay tuned for the next exciting chapter

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