If everyones special no one is

Start from the beginning

"Go Bella, take care of Vasco"

"You're arms are fucked, look at them! Let's go" She shouted at me. Her hand fell to her side to holster her gun and she let Pan get on her back, "What're you going to do?"

"Go otherwise I'll suffocate you with my broken arms". Jace helped Vasco up and they both hurried off the a safer spot out of the rain. I could feel myself blacking out so I moved my arms around a little, letting the pain shoot through my nerves and keep me awake.


"All these arrogant kids. How'd a child even get their hands on a gun?" He spoke with a calm facade but the annoyed undertone was obvious. "Are you as persistent as the other kid?"

Is he blind? "I ripped apart all of the guys you had here, have broken hands and arms and you're asking me that?". This is why I could never see Hellion in Koviks position.

"I don't like to hit women, you only took advantage of the situation. My men would never attack you"

I guess that's true, I did break my own arms. They didn't really have a choice, they were in my way, like walls.

"Why don't you just go? Take them and leave, there's not really any reason for you to be here, unless you want money back too"

"Money?" I raised a brow. Why would they want his money? "I'd rip you apart for my own comedy"

I clenched my fist. I'm pretty sure every bone in my hand cracked while I reached down for a rock that had been kicked into the streets. A weapon like this is more Naroo's thing, we'll see why it's so appealing. The opposing man lifted his hands to guard his face.

The need to murder this man made me want to start scratching and ripping at my own skin but it was directed to the man behind him just because he has a severe case of me hating him, it was Gun. I launched the rock past the man and at Gun's face but he dodged it. It was expected but disappointing.

"Did Jake do that? I'm disappointed"

"I did it to me, not him. You think I'd let a sophomore kid beat me?"

Jake looked back in astonishment "It's you" The both of the began conversing like no one was watching them. Gun never really went out of his way unless it was for money or for a fight. I patiently watched them, letting the beads of rain drench my hair and clothes, ridding me of the sticky blood I had on me.


Well I was right. Gun had come to tell Jake that he'd failed and that he knows about the 'Private Betting Operation'. Then Jake started going on about how he'd built his body to crush gun.

There was no need for me to stay since Gun would get revenge for me. I'm sure if I want to see I could get security footage from Kuro later. I looked down at my bruised, black and blue arms. If I could slap myself I would, now Naroo's gonna be in my ass for this.

After I finally made my way to Bella, Pan and the other two rapid splashes of someone running up to us managed to sound out the noise of the rain. "Jesus, you look..." Xan put his hand up while he caught his breath ".... Like shit".

Pan called him? I mean he was an option but the second one. "Was it the masochist? Or the new guy?"

"Me, it was me, let's just go. I'm deprived of sleep, and everything". And I now have to explain all my injuries to the school crew, except Daniel, he'll know. Xanadu stood next to me, "You wanna walk or can I carry ya?"

"I'll leave that up to you" I mumbled. I'm to tired to care whether I walk or not. He tossed his jacket on my head then had an arm around my back and behind my knees and he lifted me up. "You, ear boy. You got your friend from here?"

A Comfortable Silence (Jayxreader)Where stories live. Discover now