Only a Fool Suffers Alone

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I fucked up. I should've had a better control over myself. I didn't even ask to date him! I'm a mess. This is terrible, all I'm doing is putting him in the sights of other assassin's.

You didn't fuck up, you fucked him

Shut the fuck up.

My eyes glazed over the sleeping forms on the floor, all covered and comfortable under big, soft blankets.

Daniel sits up immediately, like Michael from the Halloween movies. His head wipes towards me. I sat on the counter, my legs crossed, sipping some coffee I made.

"Y/n, I am so sorry" he whispered "I would never if I didn't have a drink"

"It's fine, you're a lightweight"

"No, please forgive me, I need you're help, I have to apologize to Jay now too"

"Oh, you're forgiven"

"How do you know"

"We talked, he knows you were drunk, and if im honest I'd feel almost bad to take you from your fangirls, little Daniel isn't used to that is he? You, aren't used to it?"

He really didn't want to give up on his lie, he shook his head "No one really likes little Daniel, especially not for his looks"

"Why's that?"

"Because he's ugly, people only like handsome or pretty people"

"No, only some people like handsome or pretty people, it's the majority of people but it's unfair to just put everyone in one category, if you think 'he's' ugly go to America, you'll feel better.

That's only if you'd rather go the easy way though, which is sad, such a waste of talent if you did, because if you look like this he can too, maybe you should work with Naroo, he's never given up on a client before"

My phone buzzed on the couch, my default ring tone sang around the room. I put my cup down but Daniel picked it up.


《》 = English

"《Uh, Korean...... English?》"


I go to Daniel, "speaker". Daniel put it to speaker and put it between us both. "What?" I leaned to the phone.

"《Ah, Y/n, who else is there?》" Remus asked.

"《Daniel, he answered for me, what's up?》"

"《K told me you're on a break, I was wondering if you wanted to come out to the farm with Pan and whoever else to relax, we have more then enough space, and I still have your favorite horse here》"

I looked down at everyone on the floor, they have their own lives but they'd also all enjoy being at the farm. "《Think you have enough room?》"

He chuckled, "《A whole other building for you and all your new friends, though if there isn't enough room some people could bunk together》"

"《I'll ask, thanks》"

Daniel looked at me, expecting me to tell him, which made me not want to but he'd like it there. Pan would like it there, Remus has a kid his age.

"He wanted to know if everyone would like to go to his farm, to relax, there's other stuff there too, I can teach you how to use a gun"

A Comfortable Silence (Jayxreader)Where stories live. Discover now