"It's going West." He stated, to which everyone else nodded before jump off of the ledge to the ground below.

Not wasting any time, they moved quickly to gain ground on this 'human' before it could get away.

(With John)

Finally moving at a walking pace, John continued to head towards the ship, but still kept his senses sharp just in case. A few minutes went by and nothing changed, and he thought he was in the clear. His hopes were soon dashed though when he could hear the brush behind him rustle and his complexion paled when he saw the animals from before, just a short distance behind them. Looking forward he saw a small clearing, and immediately began to sprint towards it. If he needed to draw his rifle he was going to need a clear view of them to do so.

Entering the clearing he turned around and pulled his rifle out and pointed at the brush where moments later the tiger, panda, monkey, snake, and bird came into the clearing taking their own stances as he changed his aim from one to the next.

"It's over!" stated the tiger as she shifted her stance slightly "You don't have a chance against us so come quietly." She then ordered, which made John to frown as he tightened his grip on his rifle as he focused on the tiger a little more.

'Not even in hell... It would go against the code, never surrender.' John thought as remained silent and motionless.

Seconds ticked by and nothing seemed to change, as he studied them, with them doing the same with him. All the while not a word was uttered, and the only sound was the wind from the light breeze.

"Well at least it's doing the quiet part." Stated the bird getting a roll of the eyes from the tiger.

John shifted his stance slightly which proved to be a mistake as he winced ever so slightly, catching the tiger's attention revealing his injured leg, which was still bleeding and soaking his pant leg.

"You can't put up a fight with that leg." Stated the tiger with a smug tone, which really got under Mark's skin making him frown.

'Maybe... but you can't fight with a bullet hole in your head either.' He thought with his own smugness which managed to form a quick smirk for a second before disappearing.

Tigress frowned when she saw the human smirk ever so slightly, as she didn't have a clue as to why it would be smirking.

'It must be hiding something... but what?' she pondered, as she studied what it was holding. 'Perhaps something to do with whatever that thing is?' She then thought but was brought out of her thoughts when she and the others saw Mantis reaching its shoulder where Mantis was ready to strike.

Seeing now was the time to strike she turned to the others and nodded, with them signaling back with a nod as well showing they were ready.

John was confused when she nodded and the others who followed.

'They're planning something, but what?' he wondered, but he did have to wait long too find out.

"Now Mantis!" yelled the tiger and before he knew it, he felt something strike his neck hard, causing him to stumble slightly.

John slapped where his neck was hit, and he felt something remove itself from his shoulder, and was shocked when he turned to see the other animals charging him. Running on instinct he raised his weapon, but due to him stumbling the bullet flew at random.

When Mantis had struck the human Tigress and the others charged forward as they used the opportunity to attack the surprised human. Their attack immediately stopped though the human swung the odd-looking object at them, and what happened next shocked Tigress. She suddenly felt something grazed a few hairs on her cheek, and then was hit with a sound she could only describe as thunder. She looked over towards the others and saw they had stopped as the ground in front of them had suddenly kicked up in front of them, but couldn't identify what caused it.

Kung fu panda: The soldierWhere stories live. Discover now