{❤️Victim and Savior❤️}

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Trigger Warning for people who don't like human experimentation. The reader in this is Indigenous Algonquian. It was requested by someone and I took the opportunity to represent people of this ethnicity/group. I myself don't have direct connections to them as I am mainly Mexican, however I still find it important for them to be represented.

It had been a couple of days since the attempted invasion of the Kraang an the city was being rebuilt from the destruction that had occurred

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It had been a couple of days since the attempted invasion of the Kraang an the city was being rebuilt from the destruction that had occurred. After beginning to team up with the NYPD, the turtles were able to investigate any potential signs of mutagen that had occurred at TCRI. Of course, there had obviously been some. More specifically a mutant somewhere in _ at a facility secured by foot ninja members.

Donnie had been tapping into their security systems trying to find a weak spot when loud footsteps were heard. Turning slightly to his right putting his eyes on Raph who was pacing back and forth in his lab huffing and puffing.

"Did you fight with Leo again?" Donnie asked with annoyance, trying to concentrate fully on how the hell to get into the fire wall of the files this place had. Raph rolled his eyes at his nerdy brother and kept pacing back and forth.

"Nah, just bored and don't know what to do with the sun out." the aggressive brother expressed while throwing his head back in annoyance. Whilst listening, Donnie had typed in random codes into his hacking system. 1/20000 worked and it revealed a dozen files that showed pictures of Kenyans, Saudi Arabians, Mesoamericans, Vietnamese, and one Native American girl. Donnies' eyes widened in horror at the files.

"Holy shit-" he breathed out getting the attention of his brother who got a better look at the screen and stared in disgust. Getting closer he read the files alongside Donnie. Most of these people were proclaimed; Dead- Experiment gone wrong. Raphs' stomach twisted inside him as he pulled his eyes away from the screen.

"Guys get in here! Ya' gotta see this!" he called out to his other brothers who at the time were reading comics in their gaming area. As they came piling in, they were able to get a glimpse of what their other brother was looking at before trying to not look away. Donnie clicked on the Natives' file and read it over. Scanning it quickly, and coming to a quick and easy decision.

"Most of them are still alive, stationed by the Connecticut border. They're not that far from here, let's go!" he yelled as he geared up and grabbed the his equipment heading towards the garage were their 'Tartarugo Brothers' van. While it took getting onto backroads to avoid the sunsetting on the freeway they made it to a forest nearby Connecticut and stopped it about one mile away from the building.

Jumping from tree to tree, the turtles saw guards walking around with AR-15's and and enforced body armor. Donnie took out his pea shooter and replaced the peas with tranq-darts. Having accurate aim, he was able to make a clearing for him and his brothers. Breaking in and sneaking around, they found an elevator that would take them to the lower levels.

"Think they'll be down there?" Mikey asked. Leo looked at the elevator more and then looked down the hall. Donnie put a hacking device on the keypad for the elevator and opened it.

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