Episode 13: The Jolly Green Giant

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One of Buff Frog's greatest strengths was his ability to convince others of his thoughts and abilities by just the strength of his speaking. One of Buff Frog's greatest weaknesses, however, was actually speaking. At least publicly. And speaking publicly to constituents as a public official - a politician, no less - was an entirely other matter in itself. That's why, for the time being, Buff Frog contained his political speak to constituents to safer methods, like livestreams and podcasts, all coordinated by Janna. Using her web show platform to expand her presence online, her quirky, out of this world personality attained a substantial following, rivaling that of Pony Head. With encouragement from Star, Janna had also begun using her platform to elevate Buff Frog's presence to reach out to the Mewman-Monster community on Earthni, in preparation for the mayoral election.

"Food rations for Monsters and non-human Mewmans are in short supply, and government officials have been slow to respond." Buff Frog professed one day on a podcast with Janna. "They have been informed of problems consistently with vigor from myself, Butterflies, and others in community. But slow response persists."

"So what's been your response? How have you and your fellow brethren been coping?"

"Mmmmm...I have right to remain silent." Safe to say it wasn't exactly a topic Buff Frog was eager to delve into too much for whatever reasons he had. But the point was coming across. "I want relations between those that come from Mewni and those from Earth to solidify, but cannot happen without proper nourishment."

"Interesting dilemma we have here. Looks like the election's gonna come down to who can appeal to the commoner better. Study your candidate, keep your mind open, and don't believe any conspiracy theories, the Earth is NOT square. This is the Janna Banana Show, we'll be back next week with guest Justin Towers of Love Sentence, addressing once and for all the rumors you won't shut up about: Did The Backstreet Boys actually follow them on Snapple? All that and more from the only show that fulfils your daily needs of Vitamin C and other stuff nobody cares about." With a flick of her finger, the livestream was over. For his part, Buff Frog was relieved to be done with another round of political talk.

"My head pounds." He uttered. "Do you have aspirin?"

Janna slid him a cup of water and an aspirin. "Go nuts, dude." As he downed his aspirin & water, Janna cleared her throat in preparation for a difficult talk starter. "So, uh, dude, I think you and I need to talk."

Which instantly sent the wrong kind of message to Buff Frog. "Was breathe offensive again? I forgot mouthwash today."

"No, it's not that...and I wouldn't have known had you not blabbed but whatever. No, we need to talk about your campaign. Dude...I think it's time to take your meetings public."

As he gulped down his water, he had to stop himself from choking upon the shock of Janna's bombshell. "Do you mean?"

"Yeah, dude, I do."

Buff Frog loudly gulped, accepting the scenario that Janna was alluding to. "I cannot face other faces. I will sweat like the great Mewni tsunami of our forefathers!"

"Firstly, eww. Secondly...what?" She responded in confusion. "Thirdly, you're selling yourself short again."

"Can we not merely stick with arrangement current? I can handle talking to two hundred faceless friends."

"You mean two hundred thousand..."

The color in Buff Frog's face suddenly seemed to disappear. "Beg pardon?"

With a few clicks, Janna showed Buff Frog the evidence on her computer. Her online presence had been steadily growing within the past year, more so once Buff Frog announced his running for mayor. "And believe it or not, this is one of my worse days. You should see the metrics when I'm hot." Buff Frog had no response. In fact, it was taking all of his strength and willpower at the moment to not faint.
Look, I feel for you; public speaking can suck a big one sometimes. But if you don't have faith in yourself, how is anyone out there supposed to have faith in you?"

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