Episode 8: Buff Frog The Benevolent

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On a warm spring day, Star found herself in the park, along with a couple dozen other folks, which included Marco, Jackie, and Chloe. Today, Star was leading the charge on a yoga class, open to all that wanted to participate. It had been a tradition that she had lightly started the year prior when her mental state was on the rocks. Now, with improved health and happiness and a much clearer perspective, she had decided to double down on the notion and ramped up her scheduled classes to one per week. It was open to anyone that wanted to be a part of it, but generally, she was happy with a smaller class. As for the Diaz & Butterfly adults & children, they sat on the sidelines and merely observed. Miles, for his part, was with the other children from the orphanage - as well as several others that had been adopted from the orphanage, including his best friend Lilly - while holding a tiny flag with a picture of Star's goofiest smile on it, waving it around while his eyes intently laid on his big sister.

"So, Carl, did you remember to call your mother?"

What others who weren't a regular part of the classes may not have understood was that it also doubled as a sort of therapy session, where Star would open herself up to her "students" and let them feel comfortable opening up to her. It was her way of paying forward the help her therapist, Cassandra Cher, had been giving her over the past year.

"Yes, I did."

"And what did you say to her?"

"I told her she had to stop talking smack about my wife, period, or I wouldn't be speaking to her no more."

"And what did she say to that?"

"She hasn't said anything to me since. I don't know if she got the message or if she's waiting me out or what."

"Well, whatever comes of this, you can rest easy knowing you said your piece & stood your ground. And I'm sure your wife is very proud of you."

She didn't have a degree in psychology, and she'd probably fail a test on the anatomy of human emotions or the brain, but even still, she thrived in her area of expertise: helping people. Using her own personal experiences to help push people around her to be the best versions of themselves they could be. She had come such a long way since her beginning, both from the time she burned her castle down in a sloppy display of magic, and from the time her mental illnesses crept up and pinned her body to the metaphorical ground. Everyone had taken note of how far she had come. From her therapist to her parents; from her circle of friends to her boyfriend & future husband.

"Look at her go." Jackie whispered to Marco as she and the rest of the group changed poses. "She knows how to command attention."

"She's a natural leader." He whispered back, admiring the radiant aura permeating from his girlfriend. "Even when she was melting down, she could command a room. Now that she's got better control of her emotions and thoughts again, there's no telling where her ceiling is."

"Seems like the only thing she still can't control is her hormones." Jackie loved teasing Star and Marco about that. And she wasn't afraid to let them know it either, especially after their first sleepover together. Heck, even Chloe was amused at the way Marco and Star got gun shy over the whole ordeal. All Marco could do was try to stop his face from going cherry red. Needless to say, he failed. Not lost on any of them was that at the moment - by sheer coincidence - Jackie's back was facing Marco. And she was wearing yoga pants. An unlucky combinations.

"Why must you make fun of us for that?" He asked with a slight quiver in his voice.

"Because you and Star make it way too easy." She followed up her teasing with a light kiss on Marco's cheek, resulting in the cherry red blush going darker. Not helping was Chloe gently ruffling his hair like he was her sibling. Up in front of the group, Star could only watch and giggle under her breath as she watched her love succumb to his embarrassment.

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