Chapter 4 | 1962

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(Alrighty guys, this is a filler chapter, I'm gonna go into more detail with things and I'm gonna have more buildup and put some stuff to build the longevity kinda revealed a bunch but I think you doing some revenge possibly with Your besties help..can happen 🤭🤭)

can happen 🤭🤭)

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Back in 1962...

It was senior year, you were 18 and you were gonna start your life.
You had so much opportunity ahead, you wanted to just enjoy the time you had with Julie and Rosemary before you all went separate ways.

It almost wanted to make you cry, all these years doing things together and sticking together.
Even in junior high you and Rosemary were together at the hip, and Julie entered your guys duo making it a trio! That was just fine for you and Rosemary! Julie shared your gossip moments and sleepovers and it made both you and Rosemary happy.
But this last month of school was special, extra special.
You and Julie were sitting at the lunch table where you both usually sat, but this time enjoying the slight silence between you all.

You ate your lunch which was a sandwich and Rosemary enjoying her grapes and banana smoothie, with Julie eating strawberries and her chocolate milk.
You spoke up, "Do you guys ever notice anyone else in the hallways besides our class? It's kinda weird if you think about it. It's like the lower grade classmates don't exist sometimes!" You explained the random thought in your head, turning to Julie and her thinking about what you said "yeah, now that you do indeed mention it. I think the same too! Wowie!" Julie giggled.

You turned to Rosemary for her input and she was just smiling at Julie and just looked to face you  with her eyes still looking at Julie's. "Well uhm, yeah! I mean I see them sometimes..only when I actually mean too. But you know sometimes I'm in my own world."
Rosemary told us. But yeah it was like that, we both all continued our conversation and the bell soon rang, Julie getting up and throwing her food away and waving bye. "Byeeee girls! I'm heading off to algebra 2!" She said putting on a fake sad face with her arms dropping to her sides and giggling walking away.

You and Rosemary both watched her walk away for some time then you both getting up and throwing your trash away. You and Rosemary had P.E together and you both felt groggy about it. You just wanted to scream! But Rosemary just sighed "P.E again, you know we are both almost failing this semester right? We better get it up, this last month. No more P.E afterwards!"

You just gave your monotone voice and sighed, "yeah, we better start making up those laps. Seniors and still hanging on, golly gee." You said rolling your eyes. You still needed this credit for school so you and Rosemary got into P.E and started running and sweating. Making you and Rosemary feel bleh! But both making jokes making you both laugh and causing you both to get tired too fast.
"Have you ever noticed that guy Wallace?" Rosemary said randomly,
'who was that?' You thought.

"Who? I don't Even know who that is." You questioned Rosemary wiping the sweat off your forehead. You both stopping and looking at a junior named Wallace..his last name? You both never knew.
But he was handsome, you think you noticed him joining in on Drama Club sometimes. It made you kinda interested but trying to get into romance wasn't really wanted, especially since you already had a thing going on with Liam, the most popular guy in the senior class.
This guy Wallace had blue hair that was dropped over his face a bit and the way he dressed was more darker, phases I'm guessing? You thought.

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