Chapter 2 | On our way!

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Soon the day was over, you were way tired after the day.
Even going through a photo shoot and running to place to place with your schedule packed.
But then it seemed like all was well when you finally pulled into your driveway and the door opened for you, of course it was a sweet old man who drove for you named Charles.

He always kept the car nice and neat and of course you knew how to drive yourself but you wanted to have someone drive you to all your appointments and events because you would be tired in between.
But you lazily thanked him and gave him his daily pay, he was old and a retired guy so he couldn't go over a certain amount of money he could get from a side job.
Then you heard Rosemary yawn and now you knew she was tired too.

You walked away and soon Rosemary walked beside you. "Remember (Y/N), you have to wake up extra early because we need to pick up Julie and get breakfast then head over to the Welcome Home set." Rosemary told me. But to be honest it went into your ear and out the other. All you wanted was to see (C/N) and tuck them into bed and tell them a bedtime story before you went to bed.

You opened the door and you instantly heard (C/N) run over to you with chocolate on her face. You were surprised since they shouldn't eat chocolate at night especially on a Sunday night and they needed to attend school, too much sugar and they needed to sleep.
You picked them up and instantly walked over to the kitchen and you just told Rosemary that you were gonna do some things and that she is off work officially.
"Mama, why did you come back so late now?" (C/N) said with a sad-ish tone.
"I'm sorry my sweet pea, but Mama had to do things. I came back as soon as possible. Now what we need to do is get you to bed.." you smiled softly at your little ball of sunshine.
We talked about their day and soon you got to their room and all the chocolate was off their mouth after I wiped it off with a damp washcloth and got their favorite PJ's, and they climbed into bed with your help.

Then they got comfortable in bed and you sat at the end of their bed and watched as they pulled the blankets over them and you grabbed their favorite bedtime book and you read it to them.
You took small glances seeing if they soon will soon fall asleep and soon enough they did after they told you "goodnight mama"
It made you feel like nothing else mattered, you felt happy in that moment. You got up and put the book back and placed a small kiss on their forehead and put the book back of their small bedside table and turned their light off.

You made sure to keep quiet and made small footsteps back to the door and closing the door.
You sighed just then, realizing you have been missing most of their days sometimes. Especially with how tight your schedule is, but it is keeping your family financially wealthy still.

You sure as hell know Liam isn't gonna work, ever since he started pouting about how the women shouldn't make as much as the man or even more.
It's 1969 give it a break man, new decade new views. You hoped.
But you walked past Liam who was walking to his room and you walked to yours, missing the days you two were actually in love..when you both went on dates and got married and adopted your baby (c/n).
But those days passed, him using your career as an excuse to cheat. Even if he didn't do anything suspicious lately. It still made your heart ache remembering those days.

You got into your room quietly closing the door behind you and sighing, then changing into your night clothes and taking off your makeup looking at yourself in the mirror. On the outside seeing a successful women that everyone loved and recognized but behind these doors is a hopeless women, who is staying with her non-working husband for their child. Because every time you did leave the house that one small kiss Liam gives you makes (C/N) happy.
All you wanted was to make your child happy, It's why you still work for them.

But you got up before your thoughts could go any further, walking over to your bed and sitting down and moving so you could lay down and pull the blankets over you, also regretting the choice you made to get a bigger bed than needed. Feeling the empty spot beside you so you moved to the middle of the bed.
Then you remembered Wally Darling is going to be at the set tomorrow too..then you two will have moments as cute lovers on a kids show. You kinda smiled, daydreaming before you went to bed, only to escape reality a bit right?

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