"Mexico where we're you?" Japan asked.

"I was checking on some of the kids." I told her, "now go back to bed." I warned her.


Canada pov.

I woke up early this morning and went to the living room to find NATO, NASA and the branches setting up for a war conference. I walked over and saw how well thought out this was.

"Hey Uncle Maple, would you care to join us?" NASA asked.

"What are you guys planning for?" I asked them out of curiosity.

"A revolution." NATO told me.

"What? Why?" I questioned her.

"Dad's condition is getting worse, I'm surprised that he hasn't started fracturing yet." Marine replied.

"Does Ame know you're planning this?" I asked.

"Yes, dad knows, and he consented it." Army told me.

"Ok, tell me what you have so far, and I'll see if I can add anything." I told them. They nodded and explained their plan and how they were going to execute the plan, I made a few suggestions here and there, not changing anything in their plan. We did this for an hour until Confed walked in and told them to pack it up.

"So they dragged you in on it, didn't they?" He asked me.

"No, I walked in on them planning and got curious about what they were doing." I told my brother. "Besides, it was kinda fun to go through the plan they made." I chuckled.

"Yeah, those 7 are a force to be reckoned with. Anyway, wanna help me make breakfast?" Confed asked.

"Remember last time, if Stars finds out we're banned from the kitchen." I told him.

"I know, that's why we're waiting for them to come back." Dixie told me. Not long after he said that, the kids came back and made sure that the plans are secure. "Do y'all wanna help make breakfast for today?" He asked the kids.

"Sure, we'll help. What are we cooking?" Coastie asked.

"A traditional breakfast that everyone has, eggs and bacon, and if Nada wants to maybe so pancakes." Dixie told the kids.

"Alright, looks like the breakfast menu is settled, let's get cooking." NASA agreed, we walked into the kitchen and split up the work evenly, I worked on the pancakes, Confed did the eggs and bacon, NATO made some hashbrowns, NASA set the table with help from Army and Marine, Coast Guard, Navy, Air Force did the dishes from last night. Pretty soon everything was done and everyone was already awake by the time we finished breakfast. I nodded to NATO so she could call everyone in to eat.

"Breakfast is ready, come to the dinning hall!" She yelled to the house. Once everyone arrived and started to dig in Ame noticed that everyone had questions.

"I know you have questions, ask away." He told everyone.

"Meric, why not tell them what you told me last night, it might clear somethings up." Russia told Stars.

"Yeah, the humans forgot one of the founding fathers, and his history was lost to time, with me and the kids being the only ones who remembered, Maple and Goldie helped out a lot in finding all the lost information. We spent years after that making sure that his legacy lived, but all our efforts were in vain." Ame told them.

"Hey dad, your work phone is ringing." Maryland pointed it out to us.

"Thanks Mary." He told her, he grabbed it and check who it was, and I don't like that look on his face.

"Who is it Stars?" Goldie asked.

"The humans. Something happened in the capital. DC!" Ame called out for his daughter. Confed caught on, and looked around the table.

"She ain't here, everyone find her, what ever that call was about, it will negatively effect everyone." Confederate told us. Goldie and I shot up and ran to the sleeping quarters and looked for her in all of the rooms, Russia followed behind us, and took the other half the rooms.

"Found her!" Russia yelled out, Ame immediately ran passed us and into the room Russia was in.

"Oh DC, everything is going to be ok, Ruski can you pick her up and follow me to the bunker please." Stars told the Russian, he nodded and gently picked up DC. We let them through, and went back to the living room.

"What happened here?" Goldie asked, I noticed that some of the states had been crying, and the ones that weren't were trying to comfort the still crying states, NATO, NASA and the Military branches were trying to keep all the countries, except us and Dixie away from the kids.

"It's starting, guys it's going to be ok." NASA told everyone. "Wait who's with Dad and DC?" He asked.

"Russia is, why?" I asked him.

"Ok, our plan isn't out the window. As long as he's with dad, we should be safe." NATO responded.

I have kids so what? (Being Rewritten, May Have Different Title)Where stories live. Discover now