Roman or white fang member: (across a speaker system) Get to your places. We are leaving now!

The train starts moving towards the tunnels.

Yang: Well, it sounds like they're going somewhere.

Ruby: We need backup. Let me call Jaune.

Ruby's Scroll flashes "Low Signal."

Y/n: Jaune was your idea of backup.

Ruby: I can't get through!

Weiss: So, what do we do?

Oobleck: I believe we only have one option...

Ruby: (turning around) We're stopping that train!

We proceed to give chase after the train before we climb onto the caboose. Oobleck knocking out a white fang member as he reports.

W.f.m: I think they're on the-

We climb through the upper hatch to get to the roof of the train to get to the front faster.

Oobleck: Hurry, children! We must get to the front and stop this train!

Weiss: Err... Professor?

Oobleck: Doctor...

Weiss: (pointing down a hatch into the train) What's that?

Oobleck: (kneels down to take a look) That my dear... appears to be a bomb.

We turn back to the front.

Ruby: We got baddies.

Y/n: Would've sounded better if you said company.

We could see a lot of whit fang climbing onto the roof of the train.

Oobleck: Well, I didn't expect them to go-

The bomb underneath us charges up and starts beeping.

Oobleck: -easy on us. (stands up) Time to go!

As we start running away, Oobleck stops Blake.

Oobleck: Blake! Detach the caboose! It will kill us all!

Blake: On it.

Blake jumps down onto the connectors and gets ready to cut the connection, but as she does, the connection comes loose on its own.

Blake: Huh? (looking up at Oobleck) It decoupled itself!

Oobleck: What?!

Yang: I guess he really doesn't want us on this train.

Oobleck: That's not good...

Y/n: Uh neither is another bomb...

I was pointing at another bomb through the hatch I opened. Oobleck ran past us to the next train car.

Oobleck: They all have bombs.

The bomb beneath me started turning on, and the car was decoupled. we ran and jumped to the next car.

Yang: This doesn't make any sense.

Y/n: Yeah, I think fight first, make sense of this afterwards.

I ready my swords as I focus on my target. I charge at an upcoming W.F.M. I go for an upper slash, which he ducked under, which gave me an opening to swing my other blade from the ground up, knocking him on his ass. I then engulfed my blades in flames and sent the flaming cross at the approaching hostiles. A few moments later, I see coming through sweeping up the rest of the White Fang on our current train car.

Oobleck: He's leading Grimm to the city!

Weiss: What?

Oobleck: It's the cars! They detach and explode, creating openings for the Grimm!

Blake: That's insane!

Another train car detaches itself.

Oobleck: We have to hurry! You four, go below, and try to stop those bombs!

Ruby: What about us?

Oobleck: We're going to stop this train.

Ruby: Yeah, I know. I said that earlier.

We listen to the good doctor and enter the train car.

Yang: I guess this is what we trained for.

Weiss reaches into her pouch and gives Blake a magazine filled with Dust vials.

Weiss: Here, this should help you.

We start running towards the next car when we see Umbra form himself out of the shadows.

Y/n: He's mine. we got unfinished business.

They easily pass without me having to intervene.

Y/n: What is your fixation with me?

I ready w/n with one in its shotgun form as I see him pull out a katana.

Umbra: You're simply in my way to happiness.

Y/n: Just as cryptic as before.

I rush him with my blade, colliding with his, I bring up the other weapon in my other hand, ready to fire point blank into his leg. If I bring it too high, he'd back away. Though he must have figured out what I was doing and backed away as the shot was fired. I quickly transform it back to the blade as I engulf my swords in flames once more as I wait for the next move. He rushed me this time with a diagonal swing, which I caught between my blades it soon turned into who could push who back.

Y/n: (thought) It's as if he doesn't have much practice with that weapon. If he did, he would more likely floor me in a sword fight. Let's see what happens if I turn up the heat.

I try and make my flames hotter. Ruby told me after I engulfed my blades the first time that my weapons were designed to withstand high temperatures because of my semblance. My flames slowly grew brighter and hotter. They weren't affecting me, but it was affecting him and his katana. He backed away, sheathing it, and brought out his kunai. A simple counter was to make a wall of fire for him to not see his target but not a single kunai came my way. I dropped the fire wall after half a minute to figure out if he was waiting for me or buying time to think, but h3 was gone.

Y/n: Damn his shadow semblance bullshit. I should-

I was suddenly tossed around clearly from the train crashing with one crate going straight towards my face, knocking me out.


I slowly woke up to hearing multiple growling and metal creaking sounds. I notice a beowolf claw trying to peel the metal walls back. Doing what I can I grab my swords and open portal under me to Ruby. It pretty much dropped me above and behind her and the team.

Y/n: Ow.

Ruby: Y/n, you're okay.

She helped me up as I look around a see the fight was already over but there's a new face.

Y/n: Who's ow he?

Yang: He calls himself Jack.

Weiss: Introductions can be done later. You need to get checked out.

Y/n: Yeah, yeah, I can't bring your grades down if I'm not able to attend classes.

I just get smacked by Weiss for my comment, and Blake has just been eyeing Jack since I dropped in.


Bacca: Alright, Onward to Volume 3 for this book.

A whole new World Reboot (Earth male Faunus Reader x Ruby Rose)Where stories live. Discover now