Zayn's pov.

I spend the remainder of my holidays at home indulging in quality time with my sisters and mum. Allana constantly clouded my thoughts. As relieved as I was to see her reaction towards my emotions , a part of me yearned for her to be volatile about her feelings relating to us.

'US' ,I loved the thought of us. It was true that I did fancy her. More than that I felt we shared a deep connection with each other. You always need one person in your life who will never let you fall. Even if you do fall , they will make numerous attempts to pick you up and ensure you shine.

Finding such a person in this world where love and relationships are synonymous with materialistic needs and lies is a huge task. I know it was early for me jump to conclusions but Allana could be that person for me. So far we had seen each other in distraught states and had earnestly helped each other out of our respective messes. There were no secrets and lies between us. Our connection was pure and beyond my understanding.

Beyond your understanding ? Well then how the hell are you going to figure this out genius ? You promised her you would.Trust me Zayn she may seem meek at times but she will surely kick your butt if you screw this up. The voice in my head warned me.

A grin spead across my lips. Allana was surely very feisty.That was a major reason I adored her.

"He has been sitting quietly since the past 20 minutes. Earlier he seemed deep in thought but now he is grinning like a lunatic. I am getting worried for him." , a raspy voice whispered.

" Mostly he stares in a corner and keeps on brooding. That's natural for him but he never smiles. I second you Haz something is fishy." , a voice thick with Irish accent replied back softly.

Niall and Harry were huddled in their seats observing me. They thought their conversation was secretive but if there was one thing they officially sucked at was keeping their voices low while talking.

Their conversation was considerably audible and I bit my cheek from bursting into laughter at their apparent concern. If only they knew what or rather who I was thinking about.

Niall may seem like a fluffy rabbit Zayn but he will rip you if he finds out your thoughts about his sister.

We were comfortably seated in the private jet escorting us to Sydney, Australia our first destination which would be mark the beginning of our world tour. As per details discussed with management yesterday using a private jet seemed more appropriate for security reasons. It would also help us in avoiding unnecessary paparazzi exposure .Kaitlyn being the bitch she is tried to lure me in talking about getting back with Perrie since it would be good for publicity. I willingly turned a deaf ear to her words and she reluctantly gave up on convincing me.

I had bid farewell to my family 3 days after Allana's departure. I was upset since I wouldn't be seeing them for a long time but my stay in Bradford had been pleasant and I couldn't be more happier. After a few meetings in London , a day later we had left for Sydney. Allana and me had been exchanging text messages frequently.

Because she made me believe (ZAYN MALIK)Where stories live. Discover now