Have at Me (NSFW)

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Dean, Kyle and Taylor arrived at Steve's apartment to find Tony had joined the group already. All four men were well into their drinks, and the atmosphere was jovial and warm. Despite this, he couldn't permit himself to relax. Gazing at Taylor throughout the evening, he couldn't help but sense the emotions that drifted off of him. Anger, pain, and something else deep beneath it all. Knowing that it was rude to intrude too deeply on people's personal feelings, he made an effort to tread lightly.

At one point, Kyle nudged his side. "What's wrong with you?" He whispered into his ear.

"Huh?" Dean asked, roused from his thoughts.

"You look like trying to keep from throw up or something," Kyle hissed.

Dean tilted his head to the hall and Kyle followed him out.

"Fair One!" Thor bellowed from the table. "Where are you going? You will miss seeing me win this hand!"

"Bullshit," Tony cried out. "Your ass is grass, Point Break!"

"We're just going to get more to drink," Dean called out.

Thor indicated the large keg of Asgardian liquor. "We have plenty!"

"We were thinking more along the lines of water," Kyle laughed before tugging Dean away. He steered him toward the kitchen where he promptly said "okay, what's going on?"

"Does Taylor seem off to you?"

"I mean, his entire universe is dead, so..."

Dean rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I know that. But there's something not right."

"I mean, we're cool and all but he's not going to automatically become happy-go-lucky after hanging with us once."

Dean shook his head. "No. There's something else. The rest of the Squadron is understandably upset. But there's something more with him."

"Everyone copes differently, Dean," Kyle reasoned.

Dean slowly nodded his head. "Yeah. Maybe you're right."

Kyle smiled gently. "Do you think maybe you're feeling extra sensitive after everything that's happened?"

Dean frowned. "Just because I went through all of that doesn't mean my judgement is skewed."

Kyle shook his head. "I wasn't saying that! I was just thinking maybe you're in super protective mode and you see someone else whose went through a traumatic experience. That's all."

Dean relaxed a little and smiled. "You're probably right."

But something still felt so wrong.

Later, after picking up the boys and returning home, Thor approached Dean in the bedroom as he was undressing. "How was your dinner?" He asked after planting a lingering kiss on his forehead.

"It was good," Dean said, though his expression appeared conflicted.

Thor frowned and rested his hands on Dean's upper arms. "What is it?"

"I don't know," Dean murmured. "Taylor is nice. Really nice. I think he, Kyle and I could be really good friends. It's just..."


"There's this feeling the resonates from him that worries me. So much pain. And anger."

Thor nodded in understanding. "He lost his entire world, Fair One. One could understand where those feelings are coming from."

Dean stifled the irritation that everyone seemed to be minimizing his concerns. "It's not just that. It's...there's something hidden. And I don't want to pry because I would feel rude."

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