We Come in Peace

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Magni burped loudly and then snuggled contentedly against Dean's chest. He gently rocked the boy and looked over at Modi, who was already fast asleep. Magni soon followed, and as Dean was softly laying him down in his crib, he felt the firm hand of his emotions squeezing him tightly.

"I only want the best things for you boys," he said. "I...the world is such an ugly place sometimes. It scares me to think that some day you'll see that." Tears filled his eyes as he reflected on all of the horrors he'd witnessed and experienced. To think that anything like that could touch Modi and Magni filled him with such immense dread. "I get so scared for you. Because I know I can't protect you from everything. Even your father can't," he said with a wistful sigh. Then he planted a light kiss on both boys' foreheads, switched on the baby monitor, and went to the door. Turning, he smiled at the sleeping twins.

"Are you okay?" Kyle asked.

Dean wiped his eyes and nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm good."

"You can cry, you know?" Kyle said.

Dean chuckled. "Oh, believe me. I know I can cry. I think I cry more than any superhero. It's actually my real super power."

Kyle rolled his eyes and pulled Dean to his side. "Okay, that's not true. I'm pretty sure plenty of us cry. You're just brave enough to do it in front of people."

"I want to go to Thor," Dean confessed. "I know that I should. I'm...complicating things by being so resistant."

"You're hurt," Kyle reasoned. "And you're allowed to feel that way. Do I think you'll eventually need to set that aside and talk to him? Sure. But I don't think you should be invalidating these feelings either. You're allowed to feel them. Just...don't let them stay long."

"Thanks," Dean said as he squeezed Kyle.

The two of them walked downstairs and found Jack and Rosie in the den, their eyes glued to the television. Before he could ask what had them so transfixed, Dean caught sight of an emergency broadcast displaying footage of an unidentified aircraft appearing in Australia.

"Locals say the ship just started to appear out of thin air," the reporter explained as he gestured behind him at the looming ship in the distance. Surrounded by dark clouds, the aircraft appeared ominous and threatening.

Suddenly, a spinning golden ring of magic opened up behind the reporter and Dr. Strange appeared with the Avengers in tow.

"This just in," the reporter shouted. "Dr. Strange and several members of the Avengers have just arrived on the scene."

"Sir, you and your crew need to clear this area now," Cap firmly enforced.

"He's such a daddy," Kyle swooned before looking over at Dean. "I guess it's time for Lumen and Aegis to suit up?"

Dean nodded sharply. "You guessed right."

"We're absolutely certain this has something to do with your trip across the multiverse?" Cap asked as he and the others moved closer to the ship, which had begun a slow descent to the ground.

"Based on what we saw at Kamar-Taj, yes."

The ship landed in a cloud of dust. The door on its side popped open and the ramp slowly extended to the ground.

"We better get ready for a fight," Clint grunted as he popped his bow open and reached for an arrow.

"Stay your hand, Barton," Thor cautioned.

"Thor's right," Steve said. "We don't want to meet them with aggression. Yet."

"But be ready," Tony added.

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