A Clash of Gods

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The moment Thor tackled Hyperion through the spacecraft, he knew that this was no ordinary foe. As they shot out of the other side of the ship, their bodies clattering across the dirt, Thor could feel his enemy's resistance quickly making itself known. Hyperion shoved back, easily halting Thor's pushing. Locked in a battle of strength, the two of them pushed against one another. Muscles bulged as both men glared into each others eyes. Then, without so much as a second's warning, Hyperion's eyes flashed yellow and two beams surged from them. Thor tilted his head and the beams struck a nearby mound of dirt. Twisting, Thor tossed Hyperion aside only to suddenly he met with a cracking uppercut to the chin that launched him several feet into the air. Capitalizing on the assault, Hyperion darted into the sky and brought both fists down on Thor, slamming him back to the earth with a resounding crash.

"I wish it hadn't come to this," Hyperion said, his voice filled with regret. He hovered in the air, his arms folded across his chest, his cape fluttering behind him.

Thor rose to his feet and smiled as the taste of blood entered his mouth. "A worthy foe," he said before calling Stormbreaker to his hand.

Hyperion shook his head and was suddenly right in front of Thor. Gripping his hand, he reached out to capture Stormbreaker before Thor could catch it. His fingers closed around the weapon's handle, but rather than heft it himself, Hyperion was suddenly yanked to the ground, the weapon far too heavy for him to lift. Pinned by the weapon, he took a knee to compensate for the awkwardness of the situation.

"Only one who is worthy can wield Stormbreaker," Thor calmly explained. He gripped Hyperion by his cape and kneed him in the chin. As he did so, he called the weapon to him. Hyperion was popped up into the air, leaving him open for a mighty blow from the ax. The blade hit Hyperion and sent him flying across the sky in a devastating stroke of lightning as the skies overhead suddenly darkened.

Hyperion shook off the attack and attempted to right himself, only to have Thor suddenly slam into his body once again. The thunder god thrust a shoulder up into Hyperion's back, then spun around and hit him once more with the ax. A second burst of lightning struck the newcomer and sent him sprawling further from earth and deep into the atmosphere. Given the immense strength Hyperion displayed, Thor knew that it would be dangerous to allow the battle to take place near populated areas. He had to keep him in the air.

"It's been a while since someone was able to keep up with me," Hyperion appraised as he hovered in the sky and watched the Asgardian close in on him once again.

"You mean my world harm," Thor asserted.

Hyperion frowned and shook his head. "No, we don't want to hurt anyone."

"If you go through with this plan of yours; you will," Thor snarled. "And I will not stand by and permit that to happen."

Hyperion clenched his fists. "And if you think I'm going to lay down and accept that my universe is dead, you're wrong."

"I cannot imagine what you have endured," Thor said. "But I am a husband and a father. And I will do what I must to protect my family."

Hyperion dashed aside as Stormbreaker was swung in his direction once again. Pivoting around, he kicked Thor in the back, knocking him into a nearby cloud formation before following after him. He slammed his shoulder into Thor, forcefully launching him several feet away before rushing in and hitting him hard in the chest.

"My team and I don't want to fight you," Hyperion said as he closed his fist around Thor's neck. "We just want to find your reality warper and repair our universe."

Thor swung Stormbreaker and Hyperion grabbed his forearm, halting his attack. Thor pushed back, still alarmed at the strength of Hyperion. It occurred to him that, were the situation different, he and Hyperion could be great friends. But, in that instant, he was a deadly adversary that had to be stopped.

"Where is she?" Hyperion pressed as he tightened his grip on Thor's neck.

The Asgardian attempted to loosen his grip with his free hand. "You have no idea what she's capable of," he explained. "If you find her, you will damn us all!"

Hyperion faltered, and in that instant Thor could sense the hesitation beneath the steadfast resolve. "You do not want to do this, do you?"

Hyperion shook his head. "It's not a matter of wanting. I have to. There are people I'm fighting for, too."

Thor shook his head, disappointed in Hyperion's stance as such a powerful enemy. With a frustrated grunt, he pried the fingers as loose as he could and slammed his forehead up into Hyperion's nose. Then, as the invader was briefly stunned, he kicked his stomach. Hyperion let loose of his forearm and there was a healthy distance placed between them. Hyperion scowled and let loose eye beams. Thor lifted the ax and blocked the beams, causing them to split into multiple streams.

Suddenly, from out of the clouds below there came an airplane. Thor's eyes flicked to the plane and a sense of dread slammed into his stomach. Simultaneously, Hyperion noticed that the deflected eye beams were cleaving through the air, dangerously close to the plane. One of its wings was sliced clean off and the aircraft was immediately knocked off-course.

Neither hero showed even an ounce of hesitation. Abandoning their battle at once, they raced down to the damaged plane. Thor slammed into the nose while Hyperion grabbed the other wing. Together, they righted the craft and shared a look of understanding with one another. They had to bring the plane down.

As they gently but quickly brought the plane down, Thor maintained eye contact with Hyperion, hopeful that his nonverbal message would convey just how fruitless their battle was.

"I can't help but feel like fighting is the last thing we should be doing now," Hyperion said as he walked across the dirt toward where Thor was standing.

"Your feelings are correct," Thor assessed. He waved a hand at the fleeing survivors as they disembarked the plane and waited for emergency personnel to arrive. "I am a god, Hyperion. I am unsure of what you are, but I believe it is safe to say that you have the power of a god as well. I was taught a long time ago that I have the responsibility to protect those who do not have my power. I have a responsibility to keep myself in check. Otherwise," he pointed at the damaged plane. "Catastrophe."

"I couldn't agree with you more." Hyperion smiled slowly and reached a hand out. "Let's try this again, shall we?"

Thor shook Hyperion's hand once more. "We should return to the others and stop them from harming one another."

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