We Lost Everything

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Kyle slowly opened his eyes as consciousness returned. After entering the infirmary, Bruce administered a collection of medications before leaving him in a dark room.

"I fucking hate migraines," he sighed.

"Hyperion has a lot to answer for," Dean surmised from his chair next to the bed.

"All of the Squadron Supreme do," Kyle muttered. He sat up slowly and spun around so that his legs were dangling off of the bed. "I guess the meeting has started?"

"Not yet," Dean said. "They're holding out for us."

"I think I preferred having a migraine," Kyle groaned.

Dean took on a pensive expression. "Kyle- do you think it's our fault?"


"They lost their universe in an incursion," Dean calmly explained. "It could have been our fault."

Kyle frowned. "But we didn't go to their universe. Right? Wouldn't we have heard of them?"

"The Avengers aren't the only team in our universe," Dean countered. "There's Alpha Flight, the X-Men." His expression shifted to one of extreme shock and fear. "Oh, Kyle. What if we destroyed that world with my sons?"

"We went through a lot of different universes before we landed in the one with the Illuminati," Kyle tried to reassure him.

"This is a mind fuck," Dean grunted.

Kyle massaged his temples. "I don't want to think about this. My head will start hurting again."

"But we do need to think about it," Dean said. "If we're the cause of their universe's incursion, we have to face it."

"Why are such a moral compass?" Kyle sighed.

"Believe me, I'd rather not face their wrath. But we have to be fair about this. If we fucked their world up then we have to own up to it."

Kyle nodded slowly. "You're right." He looked up at Dean. "By the way, when you disappeared, where did you go?"

Dean shivered at the memory. "Some place I think Nightstar would love to send us if it turns out we caused the incursion. This dark and miserable world full of...ghosts? I'm not sure. But they tried to pull me down into this cold darkness."

"But you got out," Kyle said with a satisfied smile. "Because you're a fucking badass."

Dean lifted his brows in amusement. "You kiss Steve with that mouth?"

Kyle hopped off of the bed and stretched. "Sweetheart, I do all kinds of things to Steve with this mouth."

When Dean and Kyle entered the conference room, the Avengers and Squadron Supreme were already in attendance. A plethora of coffee mugs and snacks were scattered about the long table.

"Are you alright?" Steve asked. He rose to his feet and embraced Kyle.

"I'm fine thanks to Dean and Bruce."

"I apologize for that," Hyperion said.

Kyle shrugged with indifference.

"Fair One," Thor said in a cautious voice. He stood up, reached for the empty chair next to him, and pulled it out for Dean.

Kyle gave Dean an encouraging smile before taking a seat on the other side of the chair, next to Steve.

"I guess we should get started then," Dean said in a businesslike tone as he accepted the chair and allowed Thor to gently push him up to the table.

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